Chapter 18

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After they finished up at the café, everyone agreed (or was forced. You can look at it either way ;-) to have a sleepover at Hanji's house. Everyone went home to grab their things, Hanji following Mikasa and Eren to (kinda) help them. After they had everything they needed, the girls took the stuff to Hanji's house while Eren went to help Levi, now that he knew where he lived. No new bruises had shown up, so they all hoped that Levi had been telling the truth about how he'd gotten them the first time around.

He arrived at the little grey house just in time to see Levi climb out his window and down to the ground using a tree, where he landed next to Eren. "Let's go, brat," he said. "Wha- I'm not a brat!" Eren protested playfully. Levi smirked, reaching up and ruffling Eren's hair as they walked to Hanji's. "Tch."

Hanji opened the door, smiling as if she'd won a million dollars as she dragged the boys in. "Alright!" She giggled. "We are gonna have a proper party!" After receiving a glare from Levi, Hanji sighed. "On a small scale version." Levi nodded in approval, his face looking bored. Eren whined, poking Levi's arm. "But Leviiiiiiii..." Everyone else held back laughter at Levi, who sighed and flicked Eren's head. "Stop it, brat." Hanji laughed, and dragged Eren away from Levi. "He's mine!" She laughed. "My little titan." Jean and Marco laughed, as Armin joined in, a fake pout on his face. "Nooooo!" Mikasa glared, snatching Eren away from everyone. "No. Mine."

"I hear Levi has a soft spot on the back of his neck," Hanji giggled as she whispered to Eren. He smirked, looking at Levi, who was standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed and looking bored. Eren nodded. "I'll remember that." Hanji laughed before running around the room. "Truth or dareeeeee!" She yelled, and everyone was forced to play.

"Levi!" Hanji said right away. "I dare you to wear Eren's hoodie!" Levi sighed, quickly replacing his black hoodie with Eren's blue one. The hoodie was too big, making him look like a child. A really bored (or angry, you never know) child. Hanji laughed, rolling on her back as Levi rolled the sleeves up. Eren laughed, hiding his face. Though he didn't want to admit it, he though Levi looked adorable. "Tch. your all immature brats," Levi said, crossing his arms. Though he would never admit it, the hoodie smelled good, like Eren. The game continued on, everyone teasing everyone else.

-----> time skip about an hour because I'm lazy <----

Everyone was rolling on the floor, laughing. This was probably one of the funnest things any of them had ever done. Even better, Eren and Levi had some memories back. Nothing big, just little jokes that they'd said or heard from their time in the Survey Corps. Add that to alchol Hanji had given everyone. (Just go with it. What Ereri story have you read ever doesn't have drinks.)

Levi was sitting on the floor next to Eren, smirking. Hanji was bright red in the face, laughing as she tried to sit up. Keyword: TRIED. Hint hint; it didn't work. "We need music!" She yelled, and snatched Levi's phone from him and turned on music. Hanji laughed. "At least it's GOOD music." Everyone else nodded in agreement; they all loved 21 Pilots.

"Tch," Levi said. He and Eren were the only two people who could seem to think straight. Even Mikasa was slightly buzzed, holding onto Eren and refusing to let anyone take him away. Wait... that sounds like her normal self. Eh. No one knows XD.

Anyway.... Mikasa was finally pulled away by Armin, who was ranting about talking books or something, so Eren stood next to Levi, smiling. Hanji giggled, seeing an opportunity and taking it. She pushed Eren into Levi, causing both boys to fall.

Levi twisted, landing on his back with Eren falling on top of his chest, pinning him to the ground. Eren blushed while Levi merely raised an eyebrow. They both got to their feet, standing around awkwardly.

I do not own 21 Pilots!

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