3- A New Begining with a Great Price

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The travel by ship was more of a honeymoon for the new couple, even though Cora was carrying their baby in the first trimester. It took them a total of twenty-three days of traveling toward their new destination. It was obvious to Ruby that they were very much in love, and she was truly happy for them. Once there, Ruby prepared their property in Aberdeen with new employees to take care of all that was needed there. William had given into Ruby's idea to take Cora abroad to Europe to deliver her child.

"Ruby, it is an excellent idea to take Cora to the Aberdeen property, she could birth her child there without blemishing the family's image in the Chicago area. The child could be raised by nannies and mentors. The child could be well taken care of, and with adequate time, he or she could be introduced as a distant relative." William had previously said to Ruby.

William, however, was not fully aware of the remainder of their plans. Edgar also made the travel overseas to be together with the new mother-to-be. In fact, William believed that Edgar would be kept unaware of Cora's whereabouts. While Cora was away, William thought of a plan to negotiate a secretive annulment to free up his daughter for a future engagement. Without the murmuring of the young couple's need to be in Scotland, Ruby made sure that Cora and Edgar began a new life without having to return to America. If they were ever to return Cora and Edgar could not be together again.

Several months after their arrival to Aberdeen the birth of Cora and Edgar's child was due.

"Come along Edgar, the midwife and the attendants are ready to deliver the baby. I need you outside the door in case there is any news regarding Cora and the baby" Ruby ordered.

Edgar was extremely nervous, walking aimlessly through the corridors of the mansion in Aberdeen. Cora's screams had only made matters worse for Edgar, he had to sit down as a result. Cora's curdling scream had made him light headed and weak in the knees. Thank goodness an attendant who saw him slipping away against the wall was able to help him to the chair.

"Mr. Muir! Let me guide you to a chair. You look awfully pale and disoriented! May I bring you a drink to calm your nerves sir?" The attendant asked respectfully.

"Thank you, and yes please, I believe I could use something with a kick, perhaps some brandy" Edgar replied.

Finally Cora's screaming stopped and the momentary silence turned to soft cries of a baby.

"Thank God! I am a father, I am a father!" Edgar shouted with excitement.

After twelve hours of labor and discomfort for Cora her baby had a healthy arrival. Ruby came out of the bedroom to allow Edgar to come inside and visit his wife and brand new baby boy.

"Oh my darling Cora, you have made me the happiest man alive I have a beautiful son, I love you so very much, so much that my heart cannot contain it." Edgar said looking down at his beloved wife with baby in her arms as he then kisses her forehead gently.

"I love you as much Edgar, and I am as happy to finally meet our baby" Cora replied looking into her husband's eyes.

Ruby watched the tender moment as her eyes welled up with happy tears. The happy couple named their child after Edgar's paternal grandfather Colin and Cora's maternal deceased uncle Nicholas, whom she remembers dearly as a young girl. The baby boy's name is entered in the birth certificate as Colin Nicholas Ardlay- Muir, born January, 6 1861. The newborn was sweet natured infant with dark hair, dark lashes and brows, and piercing blue sky eyes like his father's.

But from afar, rumblings of a country in turmoil began so the Ardlay family decided to takes no chances and left Illinois for the safety of London in February 1861. Just two months after their departure, the rumors became fact and the United States erupted into a bloody civil war. Janette took a trip to Scotland, and visited her beloved sister Cora to meet her nephew Colin

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