Chapter One

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I'm too scared to do this. I can't believe I'm doing this. My friends are gonna be like, 'This bitch think she hard'. Omg I'm so scared. Maybe I should just not post it.

Okay, stfu Grace lol

Just whatever, haters gon' hate lol

God still loves me haha

** <(*'-'*)/ <(*'-'*)> \(*'-'*)> **

“Tana, babe. Wake up.”

“Mmm..” I mumble.

No. I am so not doing school today. I have a raging headache and a really dry mouth, from all the alcs me and Jay Shane-Baquela – my best friend/neighbour since I was little – downed last night.

“Wake up! Jay!” Candice, my older sister calls from the doorway. I hear Jay mumble in reply too.

“You both have to get your asses out of bed right now or I’ll tell Dad what you two were up to last night. He ‘s gone to work, but he’s always a phone call away!” Candice threatens – singing the last bit – before stomping away. That gets me up instantly.

Last night was a night full of ‘Can’t-let-Dad-know’s. I had snuck out with Jay, gone to a party, come home drunk, snuck back in, and the worst thing – in my Dad’s eyes – was that Jay had slept in the same room as me. Well, to me it’s nothing, but to Dad, it’s like, ‘You know I would love grandchildren, but.. etc. etc. Jay’s parents would have totally allowed us to have a sleepover, but Jay the fugly asshole forgot to leave his window unlocked, and so my place it was.

I look at the alarm clock, 7am it reads. Dad probably left ages ago, he’s a well-respected Chief Judge. If Jay’s still here, alive, Dad also probably hadn’t come in my room.

To be honest, I very much dislike when he doesn’t come to kiss me goodbye before he leaves to work. Ever since the piece-of-shit left, otherwise known as my mother, Dad has watched over me and my sister and everything. What the mother of the family should be doing too. Throughout my life, my Dad has been my mum and dad put together. He’s my inspiration, my rock, my everything. Bottom line – I love him to bits.

I dig my face into my pillow, taking in that last moment of peace. You know school, absolutely stressing and chaotic.

I move to get out of bed, but get caught up in the sheets, and land with a loud thud on the ground.

Or maybe, the not-ground.

“Ow Tana.”

Jay’s chest meets my face, and I feel his breath hiccup.

“Sorry Jay,” I say sleepily, and roll of him. I stand there over him, and see what 8+ bottles of Cody’s has done to him. He looks like he’s been run over by a truck in all honesty. I try not to laugh, though his hair is a complete, ruffled disaster.

I nudge him softly with my foot, and he just murmurs something under his breath. God, waking Jay up while he’s hung over is like, impossible.. Geez, why did I let Jay talk me into another drink-up? I’m so stupid.

I kick him a bit harder. I really don’t want Dad to find out about the drinking. I don’t want a 10+ page lecture with a 5+ year grounding. I still have a life to live.

I look around my room, and grimace. It smells like something died in here – there are clothes, and twisted beer cans scattered amongst the other mess I normally have in my room. Ugh, yuck.

I go to open the curtains, and when I do, the light fills my pig-sty of a room, also falling on Jay’s eyes.

“Aaaaaarrgh!” he hisses, writhing in “agony”. Drama queen.

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