Chapter Seven

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Here's the seventh chapter lol

Phew! Just waiting for my hundred reads.. *hint hint* nah jk I didn't even think I'd make ten reads tbh


Drink heaps of milk!!

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I wake to the sound of constant beeping. I slowly open my eyes and see my most favourite person in the world. My dad. He's sitting on a chair right next to my bed, reading a newspaper. He's reading it as he always does, head turned, eyes squinting at the tiny print on each page.

"Dad?" I whisper, my voice sounds like I just came back from school athletics.

"Oh honey," he stands immediately and reaches in for a hug. I gladly return it, making up for the one I missed this morning. Then a thought disturbs me greatly. Is it even the same day? Or has a week passed? Or maybe, I'm one of those tragic as ones that stay in a coma for years.

"Dad? How long have I been out?" I ask, after he pulls away.

"Don't you dare ever do that to me again!" he says, fully ignoring my question, and serious.

"Dad, what are you on about. I'm fine.. Unless it's six years since that fire incident, and I'm actually.." I closed my eyes, trying to calculate the age I would be. "Twenty-four!" I nearly shouted, but my Dad just stared, then burst out laughing.

"Honey, you're still sixteen, and sixteen plus six is twenty-two, not twenty-four" he corrected me, whilst stroking my hair out of my face. Oh. I thought I had it right.. The hospital must have upped the drugs I'm on. Only explanation.

"Oh." I sigh, and go to nod my head, when I realize I can't move my head.

"Dad, what the hell!?" I say, surprised at the feel of a neck brace.

"You suffered a little concussion honey. But don't worry, the doctors said it's going to be fine. Normal in no time," Dad assured me, though I couldn't help but freak out. I tried twisting my neck, but the brace kept me from making any movement with my head.

"I'm not paralyzed, am I?" I asked uneasily. Dad chuckled, probably at my panicked expression.

"No honey, they just put you on some stuff. Don't worry Tana, you'll be alright." I stared my Dad in the eyes and smiled. As long as he's around, course I will.

"Knock knock."

I turned to the door as it slid open. Candice entered with Benny, and they each had a steaming coffee cup in hand.

My eyes instantly narrowed as I remembered who the fuck started the fire in the first place. "There’s the idiot!" I said, and if I could, I’d be shaking my head in disgust right now. “I hope you’re happy.”

Candice stood there gawking, shocked at what I had just said. All eyes are on me, but I'm giving Candice the worst evils I could muster. It's kinda hard when I feel really weak and tired.

Candice sets her cup down before coming beside me silently. "Babe. What's up? Are-"

"Oh shut up," I interrupted extra rudely, and rolled my eyes. She was standing close to me, and had her arms folded in front of her.

"Tana, what are you-"

"Shut up Candice! I don't wanna hear your lame-ass excuses!" I screamed in her face, leaning forward a bit though it hurt like hell. Then, in a mimic-y voice, I added, "Oh, I was at Benny’s, Oh, I just ducked out to the shop," and then with an extra nasty voice, "Oh, I have a sister?"

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