1: Be Okay.

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The paramedics took Shawn out of the car as quickly as they could. They laid him on a gurney and put him in the ambulance quickly driving to the hospital. One of the paramedics applied pressure on his wound, to stop the bleeding, while the other did a basic check up on him.

Shawn was still unconscious, his pulse was barely there. But he was alive. He was still alive.

They arrived at the hospital about 7 minutes later, the doctor's opened the ambulances door and asked what they had.

"Shawn Mendes, age 20, signs of internal bleeding and head injuries, he's been unconscious for about 10 minutes now." the paramedic told Dr. Bailey.

"Alright" Dr. Bailey said as she took Shawn inside. They put him inside a trauma room and he started waking up. "Hi, I'm doctor Bailey, you've been in a car accident, you're in the hospital now, we need to check you okay?"

"Wh-Where's Alex?" Shawn asked, extremely confused.

"Alex? Who's Alex?" Dr. Blake asked as she came into the room to help.

"Alex, where's Alex? My girlfriend!" Shawn shouted.

"Hey, calm down" Dr. Blake told Shawn, but Shawn just started crying.

"W-We were supposed to b-be engaged today" he sobbed.

"Mr. Mendes, I need you to calm down, okay? You need to calm down" Dr. Bailey told Shawn.

"I need Alex, I need to give her the ring" Shawn, he tried looking for it but he couldn't move. "Where's the ring!" He yelled, freaking out.

"Shawn, I really need you to calm down!" Dr. Blake shouted at Shawn. Shawn started hyperventilating which caused his heartbeat to speed up and he crashed.

"Code Blue!" Dr. Bailey yelled as she pushed the blue button. "We need a crash cart!" She looked over at one of the nurses and told her to grab Shawn's phone and call Alex.

"Here" Dr. Blake said as she handed Dr. Bailey the panels.

"Charge to 200. Clear!" She yelled, nothing. "Charge to 300. Clear!" Still nothing. "Starting compressions" she said handing Dr. Blake the panels and started compressions on Shawn.

He lost his pulse. He has no heartbeat. No heartbeat means Shawn isn't alive. He's dead.

"Come on, come on" Dr. Bailey whispered as she looked at the monitor hopping for a heart beat. She was about to give up. She was about to call it when she saw something small appear on the screen. His heartbeat, even softer, but there.

Shawn is alive.

"He needs a CT" Dr. Blake told Dr. Bailey.

"He needs to go to the OR that's what he needs" Dr. Bailey said as they got the bed ready to roll him out.

"With all your respect, ma'am, we need to take him to get a head CT, he's currently stable, it'll take less than 3 minutes, he could have a brain bleed and go brain dead!" She shouted.

"Excuse me? But I-"

"Dr. Bailey, I already lost a patient before because of this reason, I am not making that mistake again!" She shouted at Dr. Bailey. Dr. Bailey looked taken back but she agreed, on the way to get the CT something fell off Shawn's bed, it was the ring. Dr. Blake picked it up and opened it.

"Wow, that's beautiful" Dr. Bailey said in awe, Dr. Blake agreed and gave it to a nurse to give to Alex when she got there.

Once the head CT was done, they discovered Shawn had a brain bleed and it wasn't a good one. Dr. Bailey paged Dr. Shepherd to the OR. There, she operated on Shawn's brain with the assistance of Dr. Blake. Dr. Bailey operated on his kidneys and his intestines, trying to stop all the bleeding.

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