The Truth Part 2

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I am so sorry guys. I know I hvnt been posting for a longgg time. But I promise I will post lyk almost every week. Sorryy guys:(( hope y'all forgive me:')

** Rachel's POV**


Brandon: So what actually happened?

Please. Just tell me the truth.


**Rachel's POV**

I read that message again and again until I was crossed eyed. Groaning, I flung my phone onto the carpeted floor and flopped onto my bed. I closed my tired eyes and tried to think.

If I told Brandon the truth now, the game was up. If I didn't, I would have to keep lying through my teeth in front of Brandon again.

What was the motive for me to "date" Brandon anyway. To just publicly dump him and get him to learn his lesson. I didn't know what to do. Should I just tell him the truth and dump him?

And Jayden. I literally confessed my feelings to him. I never really had a crush before, but Jayden was my best guy friend. He had been my friend since the beginning of middle school. We always shared secrets, talked on the phone for hours but I never felt any real feelings for him.

I wasn't even sure what I felt anymore. I was so confused.

**Brandon's POV**

I stared and stared at Rachel's text over and over again. I'll tell you everything later.

What could that mean? The truth? I wasn't even sure if I wanted the truth. Me, dating Rachel. I really liked her. But does she?

Jayden and Rachel were really close. They've known each other for like forever.

I'm just a boy who appeared in her life.

And I wasn't if I'm wanted in it. Obvious Jayden liked her. And there was a huge possibility that Rachel liked Jayden. There just wasn't any space for me in the love triangle. I couldn't let Rachel publicly dump me. I'll be the laughing stock in school. My popularity will plummet. After all those times I took to set myself as a playboy. One of the most popular figures in school.

And Jayden. Jayden was my good friend. Why didnt he understand what I was going through. And he was a little part of it too. What kind of a friend is that. The questions kept flooding my mind. Rachel, Jayden, my popularity.

I was doing all this. For a girl?? Why did I want her so badly anyway. I had so many options. So many to choose from. Why her? Why Rachel? I've never felt so strongly for a girl before. I just date and dump. Claim my title.

"BRAN! What the heck are you doing up there. Come down now." Ugh. Mom. "Coming." I groaned as I slid down my bed amd crawled down the stairs.

"What." I looked at my mom's frazzled appearance, a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a duster in another. She managed a slight smile when I groaned again as she handed me the vacuum. My was sitting cross legged on the sofa, playing some video games. When he saw me, he jumped up and ran towards me and hugged my leg. Dad, as usual, was typing away on the Macbook.

I smiled at my brother. Sometimes, girls can wait.


This is kinda a filler chapter cuz I haven't been writing for a long time and its like a refresher. And a bit of writer's block so. Im so sorry once again :((


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