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Please take note that you have to read the A/N after this chapter, whether you want to or not as it contains extremely important information regarding this story.

**Rachel's POV**

"How am I supposed to know?" Jayden replied, covering his face with his phone.

"Let's get outta here before he sees us. I hadn't exactly broke the news to him yet."

" He'll hate me forever if he sees us here," Jayden agreed.

Brandon joined the queue as we spoke.

"We can't leave now, he'll see us!" I hissed. Brandon turned his head slightly to our direction.

Please don't see us. Please don't see us...

I felt Jayden's hand grip tightly on my arm. Oh crap. Crap. Crap. Crap!!!

A million years later, he finally turned back to order his food. OMG.

I sighed softly as Jayden realised his hand. "Ow," I winced, rubbing my sore arm.

"Sorry," he whispered. Suddenly, he poked my ribcage. Annoyed I got ready to punch him when I saw Brandon holding a cup of hot coffee and a slice of cake, striding purposelyfully towards an empty table... beside us...???

Ok. Ok. Maybe he won't see us? I bit my lips hard and dug my nails into Jayden's arm. He winced.

Brandon's P.O.V.

I turned around upon hearing a voice. Hmm, sounds familiar. Within a second, I spotted Rachel. I smiled and waved to her, but my hand stopped mid-air. She was with Jayden. My stomach knotted as I pictured them together. Quickly shaking those thoughts away, I comfort myself. No it couldn't be. Jayden is Rachel's best friend. Yeah, they just met coincidentally and came here for a drink. Yeah yeah it doesn't mean anything. I'm her boyfriend. She's mine. He's just a friend. Nothing much.

Forcing a smile onto my face, I walked towards them after getting my order.


Rachel's P.O.V.

"Hey babe, whatcha doing here?" He grins at me and kisses my cheek lightly.

Thank God. He didn't suspect anything.

Plastering a small smile on my face, I lied. "Oh I was shopping for some new clothes and met Jay on the way there so we came to have a cup of coffee." My heart thudded loudly as I became conscious of what I was doing. I was lying, cheating on him. I desperately tried to find a source of comfort but I couldn't.  Because deep down I still loved him. Did I?

I reminded myself that he was my erm… boyfriend. Right?


"So, shopping eh? Let's go!"

He took my hands and started tugging me towards the exit.

Jayden hesitates, "Well..I guess I should uh.. leave you two alone.. See you in school Rach."

I nodded and followed Brandon out.


Brandon's P.O.V.

Told you so, they just met coincidentally. Stop being so cold towards Jayden.

And if you really like Rachel, shouldn't you trust her?

A voice in me said.

I sighed.

I realised that "anonymous" was right. I shouldn't doubt Rachel. She's my girlfriend. Suddenly, my stomach clenched as realisation dawned upon me. I was afraid to lose her to a freaking bastard. I actually liked her. And I wasn't about to dump her like Sophie, Heather, Nicole (oh wait it was Nikki) blah and blah, like anyone else.

I abruptly pulled Rachel into a hug.

"You know I love you very much right Rachie?"

She immediately tensed but nodded her head anyway, but somehow I could feel that she doesn't feel the same about me anymore.

I clenched my jaw as I realise that I'm going to get dumped by this girl.


And I'm not ready to let that happen again.





Sorry its short but the climax is about to come up so im saving the nice parts to the next chapter I hope you understand. :) This chapter is also dedicated to my dear friend, niallshoran. She is a new writer and she can write so spectacularly. Trust me. Please check out her book, Call Me Diana. Thanks <3

[If you're those can't be bothered kind: the important part is after the not important part so you should probably jump to that. I hope you're not those kind though]

Hey guys! Do you like this chapter? This chapter is actually written by the writer's fabulous friend (including this author's note since I'm the one who wrote it aha.)

OK so I have my own account @jingghan *shameless advertising* and yeap I'm currently writing my own book (which is ten times better than this) Writer:{ahem. ahem. NO.} as well. *another shameless advertising* It's not posted on wattpad yet but if you're keen on reading it you can follow me for news of when I'm putting it up on wattpad: ) My acc has like 0 followers and 0 works bc

1. Almost none of my friends know that acc

2. I have another acc.

You may think that I'm just a bullshitter since I'm absolutely not popular on wattpad but you're wrong. I read so many books on wattpad that i have experience already :D Also, I really hope you like this chapter, and btw I'm only writing this bc the writer begged me like shit so yup but if you think that my writing is more enjoyable you can always appeal to the writer to ask for more chapters from me ;) (dear writer friend please don't kill me) so anyways,



After I read the writer's story (she begged me to so..), I realised that it sucks. It doesn't have the feels, or anything at all, so I thought that with a few improvements (with the help of me of course) this story might actually turn out as a success. I proposed to the writer to rewrite this story, and she agreed. So, what I'm saying here is, the writer and I is going to work together and rewrite this story. Writer (or maybe me if she begs) will continue posting this story until we get that new version on wattpad.  Please do not abandon this story :() I can guarantee that the new version will be 20 times better (maybe bc I'm helping her), so please support our decision! Follow the writer to find out the new book's title and when it's coming up here:)

that's all and thanks for reading this whole chunk of important shit.

Writer: Sorry my friend is high and all. So I'll love you all thanks so much for all your support!:)

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