Ch. 10 Talking It Out

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*A/N here it is! sorry it took this long; I got caught up in some stuff. that wasn't vague at all! anyway, hope you like it! and I just picked some song that's been stuck in my head all day. here's the NEW polyvore:


Jaimie’s POV:

The first few classes were a blur. Everything was. Their voices were drowned out, foggy; fogging up everything.

 I was in fifth period algebra already. My mind was preoccupied doing a play-by-play of this morning. I really wanted to talk to Gabriella about it, but I couldn’t risk making Mr. Freeman hate me anymore than he already does, and besides, Riker might hear, or worse… Ross. It’ll just have to wait till gym class next period.

Mr. Freeman was pacing the room handing out the assessment test we took yesterday. I almost forgot about those. I found it incredibly easy! I finished in like 10 minutes, and I think I was the first to finish, too, not to brag! I felt that excitement I usually feel when I receive a math test.

“Great job, Ms. Woodland,” Mr. Freeman said when placing my test on my desk. He let out a small grin crack his otherwise serious, stern expression.

I turned it over and, in red, was ‘100%’! I beamed. I saw Gabriella get her test back.

“89%. Not bad! She said smiling. “What did you get?” she asked peering over.

I showed her my test and let her see for herself.


I blushed at her comment. “Thanks!”

“Yeah, whoa!” I hear in unison. I turn and see Ross and Riker in the row behind us staring at my test.

“How is that possible?” Ross asks while he takes my test from me. He and Riker both look at it.

“I told you. I love math! It comes real easy to me.”

“I got a 64,” Ross says.

“I got a 58,” Riker says.

“Well…,” Gabriella chimes in, “maybe Jaimie can tutor you guys!”

“Yeah! Can you, Jaimie?” the boys say together. I look at their pleading faces and puppy dog eyes.

“Yeah… I guess,” I said a bit reluctantly. They both were cheering.

As Mr. Freeman cleared his throat, we all turned to the front of the room. “Well, I would like to congratulate Jaimie on getting the top grade on the test in the class, scoring a 100%.” He smiled at me proudly, then turned to the board and began with the lesson.

Ross, Riker, and Gabriella looked at me smiling. ‘’I shouldn’t have any more problems in this class,’ I thought grinning. I was so relieved!

Riker’s POV:

I was pretty disappointed when I got my math test back, but I was so glad Gabriella thought of Jaimie tutoring me! Well us. Ross sucked at math, too. But I figured that with Jaimie tutoring me, I could finally get her alone and away from Ross. I know it’s only been like 2 days since he’s met Jaimie, but he cannot stay away!

Interrupting my thoughts, I hear Mr. Freeman say, “Well, I would like to congratulate Jaimie on getting the top grade on the test in the class scoring a 100%.” I saw her in her seat, smiling and blushing from Mr. Freeman’s as well as the class’s recognition.

I lean over my desk to Jaimie and say, “Teacher’s pet.”

She looked back at me, laughed a little, and then returned her attention to the front of the room. She has such a cute laugh. My eyes wander off and run into Ross’s. They were enraged with jealousy, and my smile disappeared for a moment. Ross looked mad. Whatever. I just ignored his death glare and let my smug smile shine.

Jaimie’s POV:


Yes! Finally 6th period! I can talk to Gabriella!

While everyone was leaving the classroom, I made my way to Gabriella.

“Finally! I need to talk to you,” I said to her urgently. Just then Riker and Ross appeared on each side of me.

“So where are we going?” Ross asked. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. Then Riker replaced Ross’s arm and shoved him aside.

“Yeah! Where’re we going?” Riker replaced Ross’s arm and pulled me to his side.

“To gym class. Remember?” I replied, smiling up at him.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Gabriella said.

“I’ll tell you later.” Meanwhile, behind us, Ross and Riker kept shoving each other. Luckily they didn’t hear me.

We were finally in gym class. We are supposed to be playing volleyball today. All four of us were put on the same team. Gabriella and I were next to each other up at the net, and Riker and Ross were in the back row. I finally talked to Gabriella while still playing the game.

“So what did you need to talk about?” she asked after she passed the volleyball to me.

After I spiked it over the net and scored. I answered, “Ross asked me out.”


“And I said yes.”

“WHAT THE F…!” Luckily, I covered her mouth before she earned herself a referral and 2-hour detention.

“We had a very awkward morning when we woke up snuggling in my bed. One thing led to another, and he asked me out!”

“Wow. I never thought. I mean I knew Ross would ask you out, it was only a matter of time, but for you to say ‘yes,’ no one would have seen that coming!” she emphasized. Then she started laughing her head off!

“I know I didn’t. It just came out. Oh well. Might as well enjoy it… but you’re already enjoying it enough for the both of us!” Gabriella then squealed.

“Would you calm down?” I whisper-screamed. She toned down the volume but not the excitement; she was jumping up and down, causing a scene.

“Okay, I love you, but can you tone it down?” I asked sincerely.

Gabriella shut her mouth and motioned zipping her lips and tossing the key. She still had playful eyes. Then the ball came back. I passed the ball and someone passed it over the net. I don’t know who. I wasn’t really paying attention.

“So when’s the big date?”

“This weekend.”

“Oh! That reminds me! While you and Ross were sleeping last night, Rocky asked ME out this weekend!”

“Oh my gosh, you too? That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” I paused for a second to think but then it was my turn to serve. I smacked it over like seven times until we finally lost the point. I was always great at volleyball, not to sound conceited… again. Then my train of thought returned. I turned to face Gabriella.

“Wait. You knew we fell asleep together, and you didn’t wake us up?!”

“Maybe?” she winced, smiling innocently. She bit her lip, hoping I wouldn’t explode.

 Then something happened and BAM.  Lights out.


*A/N ooh! what next? find out next week on Teacher's Pet, Her Roommate, and His Brother! hahaha! I got the makings of a TV show host! well, hope to hear from you and see ya soon :D

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