Nightmares and blood?

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After playing video games with Ayato for a few hours I decided to go to bed. I dressed into some black shorts and a red tank top. I sighed as I crawled into bed and laid down. "Hey coco...lately... I've been having a strange pain in my's like...something's wrong with my heart...what could it be?"

I muttered shutting my eyes. "All well..." I whispered as I slowly drifted off to sleep. "My dear Cordelia...the time is almost near."


I stood in a field. Everything around me seemed so peacefully and quiet. Strangely for some didn't feel safe. I slowly looked around. Not a single sound could be heard. "What's going on?" I mumbled tilting my head.

"Siera..." A voice whispered. My eyes went wide. "Who's there?" I asked glancing around. "It's all your fault. It's all your fault!" The voice yelled. "What's my fault? I haven't done anything." I said. Suddenly a figure stood in front of me.

I slowly looked up only to make eye contact with red ones filled with hate and anger. "It's all your fault!  You killed me! You killed me!" The figure screams as it reaches a hand down towards me. "No!" I yelled quickly running away from the figure.

I ran through the woods as quick as I could. The sound of wolves could be heard. I quickly stopped and looked around my breathing heavy. The sound of rustling and growls caused me to quickly turn my head to the right only to see a bunch of wolves growling at me hungrily.

"Stay away!" I yelled as I quickly started running from them. They growled as they quickly took off after me. I looked back only to end up tripping over a root. "Oof!" I cried. I slowly started to get up only cry out in pain as the wolves started tearing at my skin.

"No! Stop it! It hurts stop!" I cried thrashing about. Suddenly the wolves were kicked away. I quickly got up and looked over only to see four figures fighting the wolves off. I didn't say anything as I took off running again. I quickly looked around.

"SIERA!!!!!" A voice screamed in pain. My eyes went wide as I quickly ran in a random direction. Soon I found myself in front of the mansion. I was breathing heavily as pain shot through my every nerve. I quickly made my way inside.

"Hello?" I called as I stood inside. I got no answer. "Is anyone there?" I asked again. Still no answer. I started walking around the mansion looking for someone. "Where are they?" I whispered quietly. Suddenly a scream could be heard causing me to stiffen.

"Yui-nee?!?!" I cried quickly running to where the scream came from. I ended up in front of a white door. I went to turn the knob only to quickly pull my hand away from it when a bright red liquid started to drip and leak out from it.

"So much blood.." I whispered. I clenched my fists together and quickly opened the door only for my eyes to widen at what I saw. There in front of me were two men along with a women who had long purple hair. "It's you..." I whispered. The woman slowly turned to me.

Once my eyes locked with hers i felt my chest start to throb. I clenched my heart in pain as I sank to the ground. "Siera~" the woman sang. I looked down only to see my clothes and hands covered in blood. My eyes were wide in horror. "S-Siera..." I weak voice called.

I slowly looked up only to see Yui on the floor surrounded in a pool of her own blood. "Y-yui-nee..." I whispered. She looked at me and smiled a weak smile. "I'm sorry...for making you feel this way...I didn't...want this to happen to you." She cried before her eyes lost all their color.

My eyes were wide as I was suddenly standing next to her a bloody knife in my hand. "No..." I whispered my eyes and body shaking as I quickly dropped the knife. "NO! YUI-NEE!" I cried. I gripped both sides of my head and shook it violently. I slowly looked back up only to see a mirror in front of me.

One half of my face was clean of blood while the other was bloody and my eye was a bright green. "My dear Cordelia./ lady Cordelia." The two men said bowing. "We've been waiting for you." They both said. I slowly turned to them only for my eyes to widen when I saw the woman.

The looked at me and smiled an evil smile.

"Join me. Siera."

~end dream~

"NO!" I screamed jolting up in my bed eyes wide in fear as tears rolled down my face. I quickly looked around and ran over to my mirror. I looked at myself only to see that I was perfectly normal. I let out a sigh of relief as I slowly sunk to the ground and covered my face with my hands.

"What's happening?" I cried quietly. Suddenly a loud knock on my door could be heard. "Siera? Are you alright?" I heard Reiji ask. I didn't answer as I just sat there in hands still covering my face. The door opened as I heard footsteps approach.

"What is the meaning of screaming so late at night? And what is it that you are doing? Stand up." He said sternly. I didn't say anything as I just slowly removed my hands from my face and looked up at him. "Reiji..." I whispered.

~Reiji's POV~

I watched as Siera slowly lifted her head up. "Reiji..." She whispered. My eyes went wide slightly. She looked up at me with her usual blank face only this time tears were falling down her face silently as blood leaked out from her mouth.

" me." She cried.

"Siera...what's happening to you?"

*to be continued*

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