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I laid in bed my eyes shut as I slept soundly. "Mm..." I groaned quietly holding coco in my arms. Suddenly a knock came from my door causing my face to scrunch up. I ignored it and continued to sleep. The knocking continued for a little longer until it stopped. 

I smiled slightly in my sleep. "Oi." A deep voice growled. "Will you hurry and wake the hell up? I don't want to get a lecture from Reiji cause of you." Soon the voice became all to familiar. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Ayato glaring down at me.

I looked up at him with a blank expression. "Mm..." I muttered slowly sitting up and looking around the room. "Tch." Ayato growled looking at me. "Just hurry up." He grumbled. I glanced over at him and sighed getting up off the bed. Ayato didn't say anything as I walked past him.

I went to my closet and looked at all of my clothes. Suddenly I felt someone hug me from the back. "Huh? Ayato?" I asked looking back at him. He didn't say anything as he nuzzled his face into my neck. "Heh....dressing like that....are you trying to tempt my brothers and me?" He asked.

I looked at him confusion in my eyes. He looked at me and smirked. "Look down." He said. I looked down only to see that I was wearing a tank top and my underwear. A tiny tint of red dusted my cheeks. Ayato chuckled as he leaned down and sniffed my neck.

"Every time I smell your sent....it becomes more and more irresistible." He whispered. Soon I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I flinched slightly as I squeezed one of my eyes shut. Ayato stood there drinking my blood.

He moaned as he pressed our bodies closer to each other. I could only stand there as he drank my blood. "P-please....stop." I whispered panting heavily. Ayato pulled away from my neck and smirked at me blood dripping from his chin. His eyes held an insane look.

"I want more....more..." He whispered sinking his fangs into my neck again. I whimpered slightly. The only sound you could hear was the gulping of blood. 'If he keeps this up...I'll loose all my blood...' I thought. "Oi!" A sudden voice shouts.

Suddenly I felt away get pulled away from me. I was about to fall on my knees when I felt strong arms wrap around me. I slowly look up and see Subaru staring down at me. For some strange reason it looked like his eyes were filled with worry.

"Tch! Ayato! You were supposed to come and wake her up! Not drain her of blood!" He yelled glaring at Ayato who only scowled. "Tch....how dare you ruin ore-sama's private time with her." He muttered. His eyes traveled over to me and he smirked.

"I will have you submit to me." And with that he disappeared. It was silent between the two of us. "Ano..." I mumbled. He looked down at me with a glare only for his eyes to go wide as a deep blush covered his cheeks. "W-w-why the hell aren't you wearing pants?!?!" He yelled dropping me.

I landed on my butt with a small thump. I look up at him and tilt my head slightly. "This is what I slept in." I said bluntly. Subaru clicked his tongue as he looked away. "J-j-just hurry up and get dressed b-Baka!" He yelled.

I stood up and did as told. I put on my skirt and took off my tank top only to hear a slight scream followed by a thud. "Huh?" I asked turning my head back only to see Subaru at the other side of the room pressed up against the wall his face completely red.

"W-W-WHAT THE HELL?!?! W-W-WHY ARE YOU GETTING DRESSED WHILE I'M STILL HERE?!?!" He yelled. I looked at him expressionless and shrugged before putting my bra and shirt on. I walked over and started to brush my hair.

Subaru let out a sigh. "You're such a strange human...." He grumbled standing up covering his mouth as he looked away. I just continued to brush my hair. Once I was done I went to put it up in pigtails only for a hand to grab mine. I looked over and saw Subaru.

He looked away with a deep blush on his cheeks. "L-leave it." He whispered. "What?" I asked tilting my head. He glared at me a small tint of red on his cheeks. "I-I said leave it!" He yelled. I looked at him for a moment before smiling a small smile.

"Alright." I whispered softly. He grumbled as he let go of my hand and went towards the door. "Let's just go already." He mumbled. I smiled as I grabbed coco and walked out of the room with him. It was silent between us but I could see that he kept glancing over at me.

"U-umm..." He began. "Did you....t-take your medicine?" He whispered. "N-NOT THAT IT MATTERS!" He yelled. I looked at him and smiled again giggling softly. "O-Oi! What's so funny?!?!" He yelled glaring at me. "It's nothing." I whispered looking ahead.

It was silent again.




With that said I took off running. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!?!" Subaru yelled chasing after me. I reached the stairs and casually moved out of Subaru's way tripping him with my foot. I watched as he fell down the stairs landing on his face with a loud thud.

Everyone turned around to look at us. I stood there expressionless as I made my way down the stairs stepping over Subaru who growled glaring up at me. I looked back at him and smiled slightly causing him to blush. I walked over to the others and stood next to Yui.

"Siera what happened?" Yui asked looking over at Subaru worried. I just stood there silently.

"Tsunbaru fell."





*to be continued*

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