A dream come true.

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''Hello, Ella. 

We are pleased to tell you, that you are one of the lucky winners!!

Your warpaint looks amazing, so grab your leather and studs and get ready for a month w/ BVB..!!

We're very excited to hang out with you all!

Jon (our manager) will come and pick you up tomorrow, reply back to this email with your address!

See ya soon, girly.

Love, Ash <3''


Breathe Ella. 


''Girls!!! wake up.. I've won, I've won, I've won!!!!!!'' I squealed, shaking them awake. 

Ava stared blankly at me and rubbed her eyes. 

''Won what?''

''The competition, silly.'' I laughed.

It took her  second to comprehend what I was saying, but after that she started screaming too.

''Let me check my emails!!!'' She screamed happily. 

I woke Summer up, and she started screaming too.

* * * * * 

Guess what?! All three of us, somehow won... OMG. I'm so excited, It's unreal.

''I'm gonna go home and pack, see you tomorrow girls'' I squealed, hugging them both tightly.

* * * * *

I hid in the darkness as I watched my sister hold a shiny object in the air, It gleamed as the little fairy lights it hit. Taylor was sat at her vanity table, staring at herself angrily in the mirror.

I silently gasped as she slowly ran the object through her hair, a long blonde extension hit the floor. Followed by another, and another, till all her extensions were out. I stared confusedly at the floor,

wondering why she just cut her extensions out, especially when she spent all that money getting them done.. for nothing.

I mean, she didn't need extensions.. her hair was waist length.. but still. This wasn't like Taylor.

Her phone started to ring. 

''Hello'' She groaned, taking a drag of her cigarette. 

''Yes. I cut them out, you better fucking pay me for some new ones...'' She continued. ''No. Fuck you.'' She snapped.

''I HAVE to dye my hair dark?! Why?'' She asked calmly. ''Nope. I refuse. Do you fucking know how long it took to get it this colour''

''I'm not dying my hair,  just for a photoshoot.. for one fucking day?'' She snapped, again. ''No, NO, NO!!'' She screamed, before hanging up.

''Taylor...'' I said softly.. standing up. 

''Ella.. fucking hell. How long have you been there?'' She asked, raising her eyebrows. 

''A while...'' I trailed off. 

''So now you're fucking stalking me? Did Mom send you?'' She screamed. 

''Taylor...I..'' I stuttered, suddenly feeling intimidated. 

''I'm sorry, El.. come give me a hug.'' She half heartedly smiled, putting her cigarette out.

''What's wrong?'' I asked, hugging her tight. 

She sighed and hugged me tighter. 

''I have to dye my hair a really dark brown, for a photoshoot.. and I'll probably have to keep it that colour for our 'new image'..'' She frowned.

''But... why? I don't understand, can't you wear a wig?'' I asked, pulling away from the hug. 

''Nope... Well, I could, but I'm not. If I wear a wig, I can keep my hair blonde but I have to cut it all off...'' She trailed off.

''That's stupid'' I frowned.

''I know, and that's definitely not an option'' She laughed.

''You're so gorgeous though, Tay, anything would suit you'' I smiled, gathering her hair in my hands, and putting it behind her ears to see how she'd look with a bob. 

''See.. perfect'' I added, releasing her hair.

''I guess I'm gonna have to dye it brown...'' She sighed. 

I suddenly had an idea.. and grabbed the scissors from her vanity table.

''Cut my hair Tay...'' I smiled, handing her the scissors. 

''But.......'' She frowned.

''I'm bored of my hair. Do whatever you want, but don't give me a boy hairstyle'' I laughed.

She laughed too. ''Why? Your hair is amazing, I don't wanna cut it...'' 

''Tay'' I replied, raising my eyebrows. ''I'm seeing BVB tomorrow, I need to look.... fresh.''

''OMG. you won?!!?! congrats sis!!!'' She smiled, hugging me tight.

She trimmed the ends.. not exactly what I wanted, but eh. I trimmed the ends of her hair too. Twins ;)

* * * * *

I awoke the next morning in pure excitement. BVB time!!

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