Chapter 8: do you think i would still care?

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Brennan's POV
Katie,Annie,Hayley and Ryan left somewhere Caleb and i are trying to figure out where. Then I saw Annie lost something on Instagram.

Annie- off to the beach to get a way from the drama with my favorite people atm💞

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Annie- off to the beach to get a way from the drama with my favorite people atm💞

Caleb and I were sad but we headed to the beach.
Annies POV
We are here and Hayley and Ryan went to the pool at the hotel because they didn't want to come to the beach. Katie and I came to the beach to drink alcohol and go in the water. After 30 mins at the beach we met new girls and we started partying. But then Brennan and Caleb showed up. They started to try and talk to us about how sorry they were but we ignored them. Then I started to drink more then I went off on Brennan.
Annie- you know what you say that you "love me" but yet so far I have seen you cheat on me with basically three girls!! And I see you checking out my new friends over there knowing that I was right there!! But you keep saying that you "love me"! I risked my relationship with Matt because of you!! But I bet all those things you said the night of Disneyland were a lie!!! I thought I loved you but know I'm not so sure! And go ahead and cheat on me! Do you think I still care ?! No I don't! And you know what? I like Carlos and Matt! So i should just go date one of them!! And the day of Katie's birthday I slept with someone else! Besides you! So bye! I regret anything I did with you like smoking or getting a tattoo!! You thought I could never be a bad girl but you want to know what! I actually slept with two people besides you! And I don't need you! So just get out of my life!! I took you back so many times then I should have!!
Brennan- Annie I never really ment to hurt you! But I'm a boy and I can't help myself! I made a huge mistake!! And I always knew you could be a bad girl but maybe to much of a bad girl for me. I do LOVE you!!! i always have and I always will! No matter if you were a bad girl or not I always knew even as a kid that I might end up with you!!
Annie- no Brennan your not a boy! You are a man! And you should act like one! Just bye don't talk to me!

After I got all that out I felt way better! Then I went back to partying. Then the night ended and Katie and I went back to the hotel room to go to sleep. In the morning we ended up agreeing to go home. But first I took a picture with Katie.

When we were done getting are stuff together we won't back home to rest

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When we were done getting are stuff together we won't back home to rest.
This chapter was boring but the next one might be better.

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