Chapter 5: The Change

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After finding out that I may become a vampire like my boyfriend, I just throw on some clothes, slip on my Converse,and head towards the door.

"Ah-ah. Where do you think you're going like that?" Like says with a questioning face.

"What do you mean?" I reply, looking in a mirror, then turning to him and shrugging.

Remember this, he's at the couch halfway across the room. In the blink of an eye, he's in front of me, with his hand gripping my throat.

"I told you to cover up your bite! Nobody can find out about our coven!" Luke says with a stern, yet sexy voice.

"OK, jeez." I say, walking to my parents' bathroom and put foundation on my bite.

"Better?" I ask.

"You hardly even look dead........yet." He replies with a smile, and kisses my neck where the bite is leaving a scar.

We then head off to school in the Camry, leaving his car in my garage. We start heading down Hudson Street and right before I park the car, I get a really bad headache. Splitting. Painful.

"Babe, are you OK?" Luke asks, sounding very worried.

"No I'm getting a fucking migraine!!!!" I yell, forcing him to growl at me.

"Wait, is it a really, REALLY bad one?" He asks again as I try to find my Excedrin.

"Yessssssssssssssss!" I growl, sprouting fangs unknowingly.

"You're completing the change." Luke says like its beneficial to him.

All of a sudden, he puts two fingers on each mark of my bite and it's gone. No pain. No fangs. Gone.

A little later on, after school, we are heading home on 21st Ave. and Luke orbs out, like Leo or Paige on Charmed. So I call him and ask him what the fuck just happened. He tells me, "Oh by the way I'm also a witch/Whitelighter might be one too."

"But I thought on the show when they accidentally share their powers with Dr. Williamson and the monkeys, they had to be injected with the girls' blood?" I reply, panicking.

"Yeah, vampires are different. It goes through our venom. So yeah you most likely will come into your powers soon since your change was faster than usual." He replies, sounding.......bereaved for some reason.

I get to my house and Luke is on the couch, watching the Charmed episode I described. We talk about witches and vampires acting together, unlike Charmed. Luckily I survived the change and came into my powers that night..........and Luke wanted to........again.

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