No. 1 - First Day

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So these are the thing you need to know before you read:

(y/n) - First name

(y/l/n) - Last name

(h/c) - Hair colour

(f/c) - Favourite colour

(d/g) - Dog breed

(ask/n) - Skin colour

(L/c/n) - location of choice

(e/c) - Eye color

(f/f) - Favourite food


(y/n) POV:

I felt the early morning sun started to warm up my face. I turned on my side to my alarm clock, which was sitting on top of cardboard boxes, It read 6:00am.

Today is the day, the day of new beginnings. You can't mess this up (y/n)!

I sat up in the bed, to my new room. The colours were (f/c) with each border line of white. I started to get up, nearly tripping on the piles of boxes that still partly covered my room. Hooch was snoring on his bed with Ynoo, my Kwami, resting on in between Hooch's ears, I stepped over them and headed to the shower. I turned the shower nozzle and let the water run over me, soon after my shower I put on a little makeup and walked back into my room. The clothes that I laid out last night are on my brand new desk. I pulled up my slightly ripped skinny jeans, followed by my white shirt and then my black leather jacket. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed it against my (h/c) hair after my hair had no knots I tied my hair into a plait and let it hang on the side of my shoulder. I put my grey choker with a small yellow gem, which is my miraculous, Ynoo started to yawn loudly,

"Morning (y/n)," he said, as he flew over to me. His piercing blue eyes were half asleep, and he continued to yawn.

"Hey Ynoo, dream about strawberries again?" I said with a smirk. He nodded before flying into my jacket. I got my socks and boots and started to head downstairs, with Hooch following me. Dad was in the kitchen, making bacon and eggs.

"Hey, Honey!" he said not looking over his shoulder. "looking forward to your new school?"

"Yeah, Hooch didn't snore once," I replied, grabbing an apple and putting into my schoolbag. I sat down on the kitchen stool. Dad placed a plate in front of me, I looked down to see a plate of bacon and eggs in the shape of a smiley face. I started to dig into the food, I savoured every bite. After I finished I put my plate in the sink, I opened the fridge, on the middle shelf, there was a large container full of strawberries. I took seven and put them in a paper bag, then placing them carefully into my schoolbag.

"Bye Dad!" I say while kissing his cheek.

"Bye (y/n)! See you tonight!" he said I grab my school bag and my motorbike helmet, Before closing the door I blow Dad a kiss. He smiled and then continued to make his breakfast. I opened the garage to reveal my Ducati Motorbike. Yesterday I polished the base. I was even lucky that the seller had it in (f/c). I pulled on my helmet, did up the chin straps and sat on the bike. I put my leg on the kick start, quickly pushing my leg down the bike purred. I revved the engine before shifting it into first gear. Slowly I rolled out of the garage and onto the main road. The traffic wasn't as bad as I thought, I could see the school around the corner. As I was just about to turn around the corner the traffic lights went red, making the cars stop. I groaned, I turned my head to a mansion. There was a blonde boy standing in front of the large gate. He eyes met mine, His green emerald eyes were shining. I blushed under my helmet, a car honked at me. I left my gaze from the blonde haired boy and turned around the corner.

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