No.4 - Dance with me

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IM SORRY IVE BEEN VERY BUSY WITH LIFE, AND IM NOW OBSESSED WITH DAN AND PHIL!!!!!!!!!!! have you heard about them moving??????

Your POV

the next week seemed pretty normal, not many akuma attacks as i thought. the other students seemed to appreciate me. for some reason, i acually looked forward to the afternoons, because i knew a little black kitty was waiting for me, either lounging on the banana bed or playing with (d/n).  i just finished my final drawing for the week, a self portait for chat, becuase he requested it, i cleaned my workspace and decided to started dancing. i put my phone on shuffle playing the familar tune of Death of  Bachelour, i move slowly, to the beat, humming the words softly. before the first chorus, i felt a slighty grip in my waist. i turn to see chat, a rose in his mouth, and a small glitter in his emrald eyes. he takes my right hand, holding it softly in his leathered hand. he keeps his right hand resting on my waist. my other arm goes to his neck, relaxing before moving foward. chat began to hum queitly, looking into my eyes. before the last chorus he swing he around, lifting me and myself pressing on his firm shoudlers. once the song finished, he finally spoke. 

"afternon m'lady." his deep voice purred 

"hi chat, whats new?" i said while sliding out of his grip.

"not much, im supprised that their weren't many akuma atacks this weel." 

i grabbed his portrait. before he could say another word, i handed him the portrait. he took it, gasping he looked at me 

"(y/n)......." he stared at me, his emrald green eyes spearing through my soul

"ILOVEITILOVEITILOVEIT!! itsexcatlylikemehowdidyoudothisomigodimgonnahangthisupinmyroomandstareatiteveryday!" 

i giggled at his childness. once he stoppped jumping, (d/n) takled him onto my bed. he squealed before landing with a thud. i laughed as he played with (d/n) his ring beeped. he stod straight up, the afternoon sun shining on his leather covered body. 

"see you 'round (y/n)" he said with his signature salut(or danisnotonfire's) and leaped off the balcony. i sighed before returning to my room. i knock was heard from my bedroom door

"(y/n)!!! dinner's ready! its your favourite, (f/f)!" said liam. I jumped out of bed, (d/n) following me. once i reached the kitchen, the aroma of (f/f) filled my nose. i ate hungrily, i felt a vibration in my pocket, i pulled out my phone. it was a caller from a unknon number. i accepted it 


"hey (y/n) its adrein." 

  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )  

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