Chapter 4

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"It was an accident, mum."

"I know it was, dear. But you have to be more careful about these things."

Hands freshly washed, I'd made my way back to bedroom where the others were, only to find Harry and his mom discussing the very thing Harry refused to talk to me about; why he crashed the car. Felicia and Dr. Spencers had both left already, taking their giant needles with them, and left just me, Anne and Harry.

Almost alone, I think to myself, but then feel guilty again. I mean, Anne is wonderful and everything, but... I haven't seen Harry is so long. I just wish we could be alone for a second.

But now he's opening up to her about things he wouldn't talk to me about... so I decide to press my ear up against the door, and find out the real reason this all happened.

"Look, it- it wasn't my fault okay. I just got distracted-"

Harry sounds defensive and more agitated by the second, but Anne isn't done yet.

"-By what, Harry? A person? A car? What was it that distracted you so much that you-"

"-Ugh, STOP, mum! I really don't need this right now. Y'know that it was exactly three years ago today since me and Taylor split?! Also known as the WORST day of my life?"

His voice is rising slowly, sounding more and more like he might burst into tears. I place both hands over my mouth, making sure not to make a single sound and give myself away.

"Because it's all I could think about all day. I- I just couldn't forget her, mum..."

My heart floods with warm feelings when he trails off. Anne suddenly gasps.

"So it was Taylor that made you crash? You were thinking of Taylor and that distracted you and you crashed! Oh my-"

I choose that exact moment to walk in. Immediately, a hushed silence settles over the room and they both turn to stare at me. Without so much as a moment's hesitation, I race as fast I can towards Harry, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his shoulder. I realise when he flinches how much I must be hurting him, so I step back, holding his hands, grinning up at him like an excited child. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Taylor? Did... you just hear...?"

He asks, looking back and forth between me and his mother. I giggle.

"Yes, Harry. You... you really think about me all the time? You really missed me?"

I ask him, on my tiptoes. Anne clears her throat.

"Well, I'll be going now. You two have fun. Remember Harry's medication."

She grabs her handbag and exits the room. Harry pulls me towards the couch, and we sit beside each other, continuing the conversation.

"Well... I mean, yeah. Of- of course I've missed you, Taylor. How could I not. We were so perfect together and..."

My heart races and I feel like a teenager with a crush again. I take both of his hands.

"We really were, weren't we? I've missed you too, Harry, so much. What you said... was so, so sweet."

Harry breaks into a grin, and my breathing slows as he meekly lifts his non-broken hand to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear, his hand brushing against my face... before either one of us can process what's happening, I've fallen into his arms and can taste his lips against my own.

A passionate current shoots through me at the feeling of the tender kiss I've waited so long for. The chemistry between our bodies is ever-increasing as my hands find their way under his shirt, against his cool back. His fingers comb through my hair, and his fresh breath tingles on my tongue.

Our breathing heavy, I push him downwards and lie against him, gently biting his lower lip. We pull away for a fraction of a second and Harry releases a small sound of pleasure, before wrapping his hands around my waist and pressing his lips into mine.

I wrap my legs around his and feel his eyelashes flutter across my cheek as his kiss moves lower, to my neck. With experienced, nimble fingers, I unbutton his pinstriped shirt and throw it behind me. My hands re-discover his uncovered body, steering clear of the bandaged area on his stomach. His chest is bulkier and more muscular than it was when we were together, as are his shoulders. I giggle as his hand snakes further down my back, landing on my butt.

* * *

Beyond the wall-sized window, the searing sun sets behind skyscrapers, plunging the city sky into inky darkness. This is when the city is most alive. Harry and I still lie there, tangled up in each other, soaking in each other's love. Eventually, though, we prise ourselves off one another and I grab the medicine we were given by the paramedics for Harry's wounds. I sit him down and dab it onto his forehead, making him wince.

In spite of it being late, we decide to order a pizza. As it arrives, and we sit on the white leather couch in front of the TV watching re-runs of Friends, playing rock-paper-scissors for the last slice, I have to stop myself from thinking about how similar it is to all those nights we spent together, back when 'Haylor' was a thing. I'm not sure if Harry's thinking the same thing, but he wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him, under the cozy knit throw.

After about four episodes, I see Harry's eyelids get heavy and his head falls onto his shoulder, in an unwavering sleep. I listen to the steady rhythm of his deep breaths, then soon fall asleep myself, nestled into him, to the background noise of the TV.

* * *

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