Chapter 10

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Groaning, I shield my eyes from the early morning sunlight with the top of the crisp white duvet.

"Tay? Breakfast's here. Come on, get up."

Harry continues. Confused, I slowly heave myself into an upright position and find Harry's grinning face inches from mine, the smell of bacon wafting towards me from the table.

"It's so early. Why do-"

My sentence is interrupted as I yawn loudly and unattractively, stretching my arms above me before continuing.

"-we have to get up?"

Harry chuckles and walks away.

"I may have a small surprise for you. Now hurry up, your food's getting cold."

Scratching my head, intrigued, I give Harry the benefit of the doubt and drag myself out of the plush bed, grabbing my phone and taking a seat opposite him at the glass table, staring greedily into my English fry-up. Tucking in, I question Harry, my mouth full.

"So what's this so-called surprise, then?"

Harry grins back at me.

"Okay. Well, I just felt really bad for... everything. You have been nothing but delightful and I completely snapped. I was wrong, Taylor."

I lower my gaze as I recollect everything that happened the previous night. Pushing my phone away, I absent-mindedly trace a heart on the back of Harry's hand and study his face, wide-eyed, wishing he could see that it wasn't him who did nothing wrong, and how it breaks my heart to see him upset...

"No, Harry, don't say that. I should have-"

"-nothing you can say will make me feel better about hurting you. So, that's why we'll be spending the next two nights of this holiday on an elegant, five-star cruise, nobody but us, gorgeous views, in the lap of luxury. What do you say?"

Even in the mood I'm in, I can't help but squeal excitedly, jump up and down, then run round to plant an enormous kiss on his cheek, thrilled. Harry always knows precisely how to make me swoon.

"Oh, Harry, this is gonna be perfect!"

"I thought so too. I- I know it doesn't make up for anything. I should have been more considerate. And I... I should have been stronger. But you were just acting differently and I got paranoid and I was worried you were losing interest in me and then I -"

"-Shhh... don't ruin the moment, Harry."

I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"...We leave in half an hour, so you'd better get packing, babe."

I nod and wander, lovestruck, into the bathroom, where I wash my face and slap on some tinted moisturiser, a layer of mascara, and my signature cherry red lipstick, deciding to keep the makeup minimal today. After having changed into a sexy, revealing, black bandeau bikini with a see-through white shift dress on top, I throw some extra outfits, bikinis and makeup into a bag and Harry and I head outside, where the same black car that took us to the hotel is waiting for us.

As I'm reclining in the car and enjoying the picture-perfect views, my phone, yet again, bings obnoxiously loudly, notifying me of a text. My heart sinks and I pray it isn't who I think it is, but alas, I glance down and the name 'Kendall' is lit up on my screen. Unwillingly, I unlock my phone and read the text.

Morning, slut! Having fun with my man? I wasn't gonna say anything, but he tells me you're awful in bed. Poor little Taylor, thinking everybody loves her. One day you'll find out what everyone really thinks about you.

I take a deep breath and try to console myself, but the distress must be showing on my face because Harry places a hand on my forearm, making me jump.

"...everything alright?"

He asks. As I turn to look at his calming smile and wild eyes, I realise that I have nothing to worry about. Kendall just wants something that I have. At least, that's what I tell myself, but even I'm not really convinced. I simply nod in response to his question, and pray that that was the last of the pampered supermodel's vicious messages.

The rest of the scenic drive is in considerable peace, until we smoothly slow to a stop, just off the shoreline. Scrambling like an over-excited puppy, Harry leaps out the car and spreads his arms open wide.


He yells, curly hair flowing in the warm ocean breeze. Laughing, having momentarily forgotten about Kendall's existence, I race in front of him, the gentle waves lapping at my toes, and stare up at the massive yacht-like cruise ship towering before me, bobbing invitingly in the sun-kissed water.

Harry grabs my hand and leads me onto it, where a friendly ship stuard in a tux takes our bags and another helps us onboard.

The front deck looks like it could be Beyoncé's living room; polished, designer, and all the furniture costing more than most people probably make in a lifetime. Harry and I collapse onto a couch facing outwards, ogling the exquisite views. I open my mouth to tell him how much I love it, but am cruelly interrupted by my phone telling me I have a text. The last thing I want to do is read the message, but if I don't, Harry will get suspicious. So I smile like everything's alright and peer at my screen, struggling to read it in the glaring sunlight.

You're not replying because you're scared. You know I'm a threat, don't you? It makes me laugh how unaware you are that he would leave you in the blink of an eye. No boobs, disgusting hair, whiny and ungrateful, still crying about exes from ten years ago... You really have nothing going for you at all, do you?

I clench my teeth and have to restrain myself from chucking my phone into the ocean.

"Why don't you reply to any of your texts?"

Harry asks me, startling me. My mind racing, I come up with a pathetic excuse.

"Uh, well, I would just rather talk to you, babe."

Harry seems to believe this, because he pulls me in closer and tilts my face up, taking my lips in his, his hands (well, his one hand) already roaming freely around my body, inevitably landing on my butt.

I clamber onto his lap and walk my hands down to the waistband of his bathing suit, my fingers ready to reach into it...

Someone coughs behind us, and instantly we jump off of each other, brushing ourselves off and trying to pretend we were having a pleasant conversation.

It's a waiter, armed with a tray of coconut waters. Hastily, he sets it onto the table in front of us, trying his best to smile after what he just saw. As soon as he leaves, the two of us burst into fits of laughter, which leads to, as almost everything does, more making out, this time uninterrupted.

The rocking of the yacht floating out to sea only makes it more enjoyable, the sound of the easy waves colliding with the bottom of the ship setting the perfect mood.

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