TIP 2: Ignore their cocky comments

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Both, me and ellie, dragged our suitcases into our tent.

"Can i have the pump for the beds please?"

A confused ellie replies "you brought them..."

I shake my head slightly "no, you did i don't own one, remember my dog chewed it last summer..."

"Oh, sorry i forgot"

"It's ok we can blow them up with out own air"

"I can go ask them guys to do it if you want" she offers

"It's ok i can do it, i have very good lungs!" I say in protest

One double air bed later and i am sprawled on the floor panting for more oxygen.

"OMG look what i found!"

I loft my head slightly, unable to lift it any higherdue to the lack of oxygrn flowing to my brain, and turn to face ellie slightly. Even though my eyes are a little hazy, i can make out the rough outline of a foot pump.

"It was in the bottom of my suitcase... sorry Ri"

I let out a sigh and lay my head back down on the ground. I don't move for the next 10 minutes whilst ellie blows up her air bed, at one point i'm fairly certain i drift of into a light sleep.

Once ellie is finished we move our beds into the different compartements, i have the ine to the the left of the door and ellie has the kne to the right and we share the one at the back to out our suitcases in.

Once everything is organised and tidy, because ellie likes to keep everything organised, we change our clothes mainly because we are a bit sweaty from attempting to put up the tent ealier.

I change into into a black skater skirt dress and wrap a plaid shirt around my waist, which i think belongs to my ex but oh well, i put some frilly socks on and then slip my feet into my white superstar trainers whilst ellie goes for a more dressd up look. She's wearing a short, tight dress with high heels and a natural make up look. We both grap some cash and then leave our tent zipping it up to protect our beloved belongings.

"You're gonna regret them heels El"

"Beauty is pain" she simply replies


We head down to the main stage, i wish i had gone with wellies instead of my trainers, they are absulutely caked in mud. We reached the main stage around 3:30 just intime to catch Jess Glynes last song, before we even reach the crowd we are singing at the top of our lungs.

"Don' be so hard on yourself ,no
Learn to forgive, learn to let go
Everyone trips, everyone falls
so don't be so hard on yourself, no
Because i'm just tired of marching on my own,
kind of frail, i feel it in my bones
Oh let my heart, my heart return to stone
So don't be so hard on yourself, no"

We muscle our way through the crowd and stop when we get about half way becuase we can see the stage pretty well.

"Want a beer?" A familiar voice says.

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