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I would actually enjoy school for once if this was real....

» Ambers POV «

"How many people are in the gang?" I whispered.

"About 20 in our area but there are multiple different groups in different parts of the world." He replied.

I nodded in understanding and tried to ignore the pain that was currently shooting through my body.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Michael asked softly.

I looked around the room from little bed I was laying on. Michael insisted on waiting until it didn't hurt too bad to move me considering I couldn't walk.

"Uh, w-what do you want to know?" I felt the tears rise.

"You don't have to answer any questions yet. It's okay, don't push yourself." He assured me as he rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles.

"It's okay, just ask." I told him.

"How did they get there to begin with?" He asked.

"Remember when I got that 'family emergency' that day at the park?" I raised an eyebrow.

He nodded so I continued.

"My mom was telling me there was a problem so I had to come home. When I got there, my parents where sitting at the table with guys that had guns to their heads. They told me that my parents could die, or my family could move away to another country and I would be their slave, I guess, for however long it was they planned." I explained.

He looked at me with pitty eyes and I took a shaky breath.

"The first day, they drugged me so that I was passed out, beat me, and raped me. The second day, they did all of that, except worse, and without drugging me so I was there for it all. The next day was the day that you guys found out. When I first got home they just beat me really bad and one guy dragged me upstairs. When he heard you guys come in and start to attack, he cut open my stomach as a punishment for having people follow me home." I started to cry again a little.

"Oh my- I am so so sorry. I don't even know what to say. But I do know what I can do. I swear to you that I will protect you, and keep you safe, for the rest of my life."

"Thank you, Michael, but there's no need for that. I'm not worth it." I admitted.

"Don't say that. I don't care what anyone else says. You're worth it. You'll always be worth it. You always will be to me." He promised.

"You're only saying that because you feel bad for me. I'm messed up, Michael. I don't deserve any protection or anything. I deserve what those guys were giving me." I cried.

"Stop saying that." He hugged me gently. "You don't deserve any of that and you never will. I know you're facing problems but that doesn't mean you're messed up. I'm going to help you fight your battles. You'll get through this." He whispered.

I was pretty confused as to what he meant until I realized that I wasn't wearing long sleeves, only a t-shirt that they must have put on me.

I hugged him a little harder and squeezed my eyes shut, wanting to disappear.

Although I knew it wouldn't work, a girl can still dream.

Why am I so comfortable around him? Is this normal? Why do I feel like I really can trust him? Why do I want to be around him? Why does he make me happy? Do.... Do I like him?

I do, don't I? Oh, come on! Crushes are so hard to deal with, especially because they almost never like you back.

"Do you want me to show you around?" Michael suddenly asked.

"But I can't walk." I pointed out.

"You're not heavy, I'm fine with carrying you." He shrugged.

"Are... Are you sure?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes, I'm sure. Here, hop on my back." He squatted down in front of me.

I chuckled and carefully got on his back. He wrapped his hands under the back of my thighs and I relaxed my arms over his shoulders and leaned into him.


» Michael's POV «

I carefully set Taylor back on the bed as she had fallen asleep after I showed her around the club house.

I pressed my lips to her forehead and stood up.

"Goodnight, princess." I whispered.

I pulled the blanket over her fragile body and cracked the door when I left the room.

Searching for Ashton, I followed the sound of the giggle that would usually come from a little school girl, but in this case it belongs to very muscular man.

"Hey, Ashton!" I called as I walked into the room he was in.

He looked up and I nodded at him to follow me.

He quickly stood and silently walked behind me to a room so I could talk to him.

I sat on the bed, crossing my legs and he did the same so that he was facing me.

"I know this is a seriously touchy subject but I need some advice for Taylor." I said sadly.

He nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I figured you might say something like that. What do you want to know exactly?"

"I just... I don't really know what to do. Obviously, I want her to stop but I don't really know how I can actually help her." I felt some tears surface in my eyes.

"Well, the first thing you need to do is find her blades and throw them away. You need to talk to her and make sure she knows that if she ever feels like she needs to do it again, she can talk to you or any of us really, at any time no matter what. Don't walk on eggshells around her. That's a common mistake. People always feel like they need to be extra careful, when in reality that just makes it worse. It will make her feel like you guys are being too careful and she's being treated differently because of all that. She doesn't want that. The best thing you can do is just be there for her 24/7." He explained. "I'm sure you need to think things out so I'll just leave you for a bit. If you need anything, you know where to find me." He patted my shoulder and left.

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