Chapter 4: Lever

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As Kyou got to the bottom of the stairs, he came to a door in which he tried the key and it unlocked. He opened the door slowly, and shut and locked it behind him just to be safe. He walked around the room a little before seeing something cowering under a bed.

“The hell…?” he slowly approached whatever or whoever was under the bed when it jumped out, screaming.

“AHH!” Gilen screamed, backing away from Kyou.

“Whoa! What- Gilen it’s only me calm down!” he shouted, rubbing his temples slowly.

“S-Sorry…I thought you were that thing…” Gilen whispered apologetically, staring at his feet and biting his lip.

“Well I’m not. And you’re lucky I’m not that thing else you wouldn’t be alive…” he sighed, looking around, then added “and anyway, if I was that thing do you think I would be standing around, talking to you? No. I would be walking around saying ‘you won’t escape’ in a weird-ass voice.”

Gilen looked up, “y-you met one?”

“You could say that…” he rubbed his arm where he was hit. “We fought.”

“h-he hurt you?”

“Hai. But oh well, I’ll get over it.”

Gilen nodded then spoke up again, “H-have you seen the others?”

“well…I’ve seen Jasper. But only him…”

“C-Can you show me?”

Kyou let out an exasperated sigh and was about to answer when he heard the doorknob rattle.

“W-What was that?!” Gilen almost jumped into Kyou’s arms.

It rattled again but Kyou just stayed silent, watching the door intently. Suddenly, it stopped.

“Do…do you think it’s gone?” Gilen whispered, trembling hard.

“I’ll go check.” He walked over to the door and opened it, smirking lightly when he saw the creature there.

“Well, hello there.”

“AHHHH!” Gilen shrieked, running straight past the creature and down the corridor.

“Dammit! Wait up!” Kyou snarled at the creature and followed Gilen, but the monster was too fast and slashed at him.

“Whoa!” he fell forward and drew his katana, slashing the creature’s legs, immobilizing it, and running as fast as he could, finding Gilen outside Jasper’s room.

“Oi! Special delivery~” Kyou shouted in a singsong voice as he walked into the room with a trembling and paler than usual Gilen following behind him. Jasper just stuck his head out the door.

“Gilen?” he asked once he saw the trembling albino. Gilen just smiled lightly and waved.

“Oh, and I found you food. Eat up.” He threw Jasper the onigiri in which the German just ate silently. Once he had finished eating, Kyou spoke up again.

“’Hope you enjoyed it, I found it in the toilet.” Jasper coughed and spluttered, whilst Kyou just stood there with a slight sly smirk on his face.

“Right!” Kyou shouted, “As much as I hate to say it, I think we should find Luciano.”

Gilen and Jasper groaned but nodded, looking around and wondering where he would be first.

“But first, I need your help with a mochi.” Kyou turned and walked out the room. The two nodded and followed him, and they all walked upstairs to where the mochi was. Once in the room, he turned to them and straightened his back, pointing to the mochi.

“The stupid thing obviously won’t work with me but it should with you. You try.”

Jasper spat on his hands and kneeled down in front of it, trying to pull it out but it wouldn’t budge, and plus he didn’t really want to hurt the poor thing. Then it was Gilen’s turn, but Gilen was too weak anyway to pull it out.

Kyou sighed and crossed his arms. “Maybe we need tools.”

“Tools…that could work.” Jasper nodded and looked back at the mochi.

“Both of you stay here while I get some tools.” And with that Kyou just turned his back and walked out the room.

Once out the room he decided to try all the doors on that floor. The first door he tried, however, was unlocked. It was only across the hall, so it saved the effort. He walked in and saw three crates on a rug near a wall. Other furniture and items were some stools and a table. He walked over to the crates and behind them, found a small piece of paper with a green and blue rectangle on it.

“What’s this?” Kyou looked it intently and raised a brow when he saw no use to it. So he just folded it up and shoved it in his pocket, continue to explore some more. Near the crates was a lever, and a message was stuck next to it.

‘Up is Heaven, Middle is Earth, Down is Hell.’ Whispered Japan, reading the message then looking at the lever.

First he pulled the lever to middle, and waited a few moments, but nothing happened, so he pulled down to hell. Suddenly a weird noise was made behind the Jap and when he turned around there was a hole in the floor.

“What…” he pointed to the hole, then the lever.

“This place makes no sense...may as well explore down there.” He sat on the edge of the hole and suddenly fell down it.

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