Mrs. Hoover

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  • Dedicated to Destiny Brandon

Chapter 1: Mrs.Hoover

Anne-Marie was sitting on a plastic and metal, backless,stool used for the students to sit on at the lunch table. She was facing the psychiatrist Mrs.Hoover who was on the other side of the lunch table. Of course, she and Mrs. Hoover were the only ones in the cafeteria, being lunch was over two hours ago. There was only one hour left of school because it was sixth hour. She would have World Studies homework for sure because Ms.Jackson insisted on her taking this session. Mrs. Hoover was an older lady, reddish brown curly hair, sorta chubby, wears glasses. She was looking Anna-Marie over. Anna-Marie was wearing a simple black T-shirt and white skinny jeans that were torn at the knee's, and she wore a pair of white kicks.

"Anna-Marie, I am Mrs. Hoover. How are you feeling?" The woman asked and Anna(as her friends call her) simply stared down at the white and gray tiles at her feet. "Anna-Marie? I asked, how are you feeling?" Anna still didn't reply. "Anna-Marie, will you please talk to me?" Still, Anna ignored the elderly woman, wishing she was in her world studies class or even her algebra class, which she hated.

"Anna-" This time, Anna-Marie was tired of this woman and got up before Mrs. Hoover could finish saying her name, and walked out of the cafeteria and down the hall to Mr.Slauson's classroom. She opened the door and every head turned to look at her. Anna ignored their stares and sat down in her usual seat in the back of the class. She stared blankly up at the whiteboard completely spacing out until she heard a familiar voice talking to her.

"Anna, Anna, get Samantha, she needs to die. Be a good girl and dispose of the nuisance." Samantha was right infront of Anna. Her curly brown hair was in a pony tale, and right as Anna was about to pull that pony tale and snap her neck, the bell rang signaling the end of sixth hour. Samantha shot out of her seat and ran out of the classroom. Anna watched, fury burning in her eyes as Samantha left.

"Anna, come on, we'll be late for class." She turned to see one of her friends, though not best friend, Jeremy Chandler. He was sorta short, had red hair, freckles, blue eyes, and a goofy grin. He could be talkative, cocky and a class clown, like in third hour with Mrs. Bauchman, but he was one of the few who were nice to her. Anna smiled to him and followed him to seventh hour.

"Wait, I forgot my binder in my locker, can you tell Ms. Veal I went to get it?" She asked Jeremy. He nodded and walked into the class as Anna got her binder and went back.

"Ms. Veal, I got my binder, do I sign the tardy book?" Ms. Veal looked up. Her brown eyes smiled as did her lips. Her brown hair was in a bun.

"Nah, I havn't taken roll yet, so you are good." Anna nodded and took her seat.

After class Anna-Marie walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the busses. She climbed the stairs of bus 603 and sat down in her usual spot at the front of the bus. She spotted her other three friends at the back of the bus, Emmanual Rosa, Destiny Brandon, and Mark Gatliff. They waved to her and smiled as she returned it. She then turned around when somebody sat next to her. She turned her head and saw Destiny. She had brown/ blond hair and it was strait.

"Hey, come sit at the back with us. Manly is saving our seats." Manly was our nickname for his nickname Manny. Only Destiny and I called him that because we both had the biggest crush on him.

"No thanks. Samantha and her goons are back there." She sighed and got up.

"I'll be right back." She walked back to the guys and talked to them then came back and sat down. "Emmanual said he doesn't really care. Just ignore her."Anna sighed and she did the puppy dog face. Anna sighed and then got up and followed a grinning Destiny to the other end of the bus.

"What are you doing back here freak?" Samantha sneared. Anna flipped her off plotting against her and sat next to Emmanual. "Did she just flip me off?" Samantha sounded exasperated.

"I think she did!" Samantha's goon Sharell gasped. Samantha stood up and came back to where we were.

"Did you just flip me off?" She asked, but it was more of a statement.

"Yes." Anna replied.


"Sit down! We are leaving, or do you wanna walk home?" The bus driver bellowed. Samantha growled what sounded like 'faggot' under her breath and walked away.

When we got to the bus stop Manly said he was going to the other buss stop, so Mark, Destiny and Anna got off of the bus, along with Samantha, Sharell, Mia, and some of her other goons who followed them to the corner. Destiny, Mark, and Anna were by the wooden post when they came up to them and Samantha  started screaming in Anna's face, and then she turned around and her friend, whose last name was Tannagoogle, came up and started threating Anna about punching her in the face and beating the shit out of her.Anna was laughing so hard on the inside, she had tears in her eyes. Destiny told Anna to walk with her and Mark over to their other friend Mark Andrews house and they did. Once Samantha and the others saw them walk up to the porch of the house (which was right across the street from where they just were) Sharell screamed out.

"OH SHIT! THAT"S HER HOUSE!" And they all started running to get out of there. That was when we all started laughing out loud because of their stupidity. Mrs. Linda (Mark Andrews' mom) came out, along with Mark, his brother Josh, their friend John, another friend Brandon, and Brandon's mom were all on the porch and Destiny told them the whole story. Mark Gatliff had to leave so he left us there.

"Shit, I'd beat the shit out of them for you." Brandon's mom gasped out clearly angry at the girls who threatened Anna.

"Me too." Mark said in the same angry voice.

"Diddo." Josh said. Anna smiled and shook her head.

"Nah, I'll take care of it myself." Anna smirked.

Kinda sorta boring chapter, but the next will be better, The first killing! Please comment, vote, fan, what ever.

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