One Two Annas Coming for You

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Anna sat by herself underneath a tree, watching Samantha laugh with a boy. A cruel smirk crossed her face. Her eyes darkend.

Taste it, the voice in her head hissed. You want to taste her flesh. Her sufforing...

Anna gulped and bit her lip as she followed them inside the school. It was getting harder to control the thing inside of her. She watched as Samantha kissed the boy heatedly and then followed her to the water fountains.

Let me out! The voice screams at her. Let me out NOW! Thats it. She couldnt hold it anymore. Her pupils dilated, stretching across her entire iris, and her mouth waterd. Her skin paled and stretched thinner over her bones. Her nails grew and blood dripped from them. She popped her jaw and took a step towards Samantha.

The girl at the fountain turned to see Anna right on her. "What the...get away from me, you freak!"

"Freak?" Anna narrows her dark eyes and steps closer."Freak...let me show you freak." She reaches up and grabs Samantha by the hair and covers her mouth with her hand. Anna drags her to the auditorium and then down into the basement. Here, she throws Samantha to the floor and digs her nails into her cheek.

The tan skinned girl whimpers and cries. "Let me show you freak."

Anna scratches at Samanthas eyes, tearing them and scrapes her nails down her face. Samantha cries and begs her to stop. Anna grabs some rope and ties her victoms wrists together. Next she goes to the teacher supply shelf and grabs a stapler and loads it with stables. She walks back to her victom and pulls at her lips. With a air puff the staple sinks into the two lips. Samanthas scream is muffled. Next, she staples the eye lids open. And then she finds some nails and a janitors hammer and nails Samanthas hands.

Not finished yet, she takes the sharpest object she can find and cuts into Samanthas cheek. She cuts the cheeks slowly into a mock grin up to the corners of the staples in her eyes. And thwn she steps back and admires her work. The girl will soon die of blood loss, having passed out by now. She leaves the body and runs away fron the school, morphing back into her old self.

She passes out on the grass in her back yard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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