Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Did I Miss Something?

"Very good little technician. I guess there really is a brain under all that blonde hair," Storm Shadow sneered. Haywire glared momentarily before she felt the cold steel of the blade press closer to her throat, causing her eyes to close in fear. Haywire may be a Joe, but she was not trained for combat or situations like that one she and Highlander were currently in.

"Um, I have a quick question," Highlander piped up while he took a break from trying to free himself, "Why is there no one in the lobby?" he asked with complete curiosity. Haywire nodded her head as much as she could in Storm Shadow's grip to agree that she wondered that as well.

"Well, we can't exactly leave any witnesses to this...minor...incident," Storm Shadow said with a malicious smile and chuckle. His smile only widened when he felt the tremor that went through Haywire at his comment. "Now, let's take this little conversation somewhere more private," He said as he dragged Haywire off to a deserted conference room, Highlander being dragged not far behind.

"You certainly know how to get yourself into sticky situations Haywire," Nightshade muttered as she watched Haywire and Highlander get dragged off. Her violet eyes narrowed in determination as she deftly moved to follow the montage of characters.

"Now, you will answer every single question. And if you're as smart as I hope you are, you will answer truthfully. Scream and you can say goodbye to your existence as well as your friend's," Storm Shadow said before he removed his hand from Haywire's mouth. "Now, why don't you tell me about your company," he said while waving his knife around idly.

"What exactly do you want to know," Haywire said, trying to stall for time in hopes that Nightshade was close by.

"What type of weapons do you specialize in?" Storm Shadow said with a pointed glare.

"Don't tell them anything!" Highlander shouted before he was brutally punched in the gut, sending him to a slouch to try and catch his breath.

"Bite your tongue guard. Or your next outburst will result in more than a blow to the stomach," Storm Shadow said as he held his knife in preparation of throwing it. Highlander glared from his crouched position. "Now answer the question Ms. Rosenfield," he said as he turned his glare back towards Haywire.

"We specialize in a lot of weapons. Mostly advanced hand held weaponry such as swords and guns. We also have come up with prototypes for automated weaponry and infantry," Haywire said with a defiant glare as she leaned back on her hands against the table in the conference room and crossed her legs at the ankles.

"Automated infantry?" Storm Shadow asked with genuine interest.

"Unmanned infantry that was designed to eliminate the need for front line soldiers in battles. But as I stated, they are still in the prototype stage," Haywire said with a bored tone. She briefly glanced at the closed doors of the conference room before directing her gaze back to Storm Shadow.

"Hoping for someone to come in and rescue you?" Storm Shadow said with a hint of amusement. "No one knows we're in here, so it's best to not hope," he said with a dismissive shrug.

"And you better hope these goons can keep a hold of me," Highlander said as he grew closer to gaining release. The goons were grunting with exertion to try and keep the infiltrator in their grasps.

"I warned you! Now it's time for you to realize your foolishness!" Storm Shadow shouted as he swung his arm, sending the knife in his grasp to go flying towards Highlander.

"Highlander!" Haywire shouted in fear as her eyes widened in fear and shock before snapping shut in hopes of avoiding the sight of the blade running through Highlander's skin. However she opened her eyes when she did not hear the sound of a pained grunt. A gasp was forced from her mouth at the sight of Nightshade holding the blade of the knife between two of her fingers. "Nightshade!" she shouted in joy.

"It looked as though you could use a hand my friend," Nightshade said as she narrowed her eyes towards Storm Shadow. "Now why don't we play this game my way," she said with a deadly tone. She threw the knife backwards, sending it into the shoulder of one of the goons holding Highlander. Seeing that one of his arms was released, he threw a vicious punch into the face of the other goon, sending him flying back into the wall. "And in order to play my game I need a bit more muscle," Nightshade said with a small smirk as Highlander walked up to her side. Highlander smiled with amusement as he cracked his knuckles in preparation of a good fight.

"You helped me, I'll help you. What's the game plan?" Highlander asked Nightshade.

"You protect Haywire, I'll focus on the ninja," Nightshade said before she leaped over the table to engage Storm Shadow in combat. Shrugging, Highlander hurried over to Haywire's side.

"You ok?" Highlander asked as he checked her for injuries.

"I'm alright. Highlander, behind you!" Haywire exclaimed as the goons stood up and moved towards the duo. Turning around, Highlander instructed Haywire to stay behind him. The first goon tried to tackle Highlander, but he merely ducked down and vaulted the man over his head, sending him crashing into a set of chairs and the wall. The second goon suffered a similar fate as he swung his fist towards Highlander's face, only to have it caught in a vice like clutch.

"Next time you decide to become a goon, think again," Highlander said before turning around and bring the man arm of his shoulder, then pulling forward, throwing the goon and causing him to slam right into the other goon. Highlander stood up and dusted his hands off. "Two goons are out for the count," he said with a satisfied smirk.

"But what about Nightshade?" Haywire asked with worry. Both turned their gazes towards the other end of the conference room only to see that Nightshade had Storm Shadow in cuffs and on his knees.

"Never fear, Haywire, you should always remember that I'm quite capable of handling myself," Nightshade said with a smirk and a wink towards Haywire.

"Doesn't mean I can't worry. And besides, look at the state of your half of the room. It's in complete shambles and has at least...20 or so blades stuck in the walls," Haywire said with an adorable pout, causing Nightshade and Highlander to chuckle and shake their heads. "Now let me get a look at Storm there," Haywire said as she moved towards the pair.

"What are you looking for exactly?" Highlander asked as he followed a couple steps behind her.

"The same thing that was on Baroness," Haywire murmured as she examined both sides of Storm Shadow's neck closely. "And voila, there's the little bugger," Haywire said as she saw the moving Cobra insignia on the upper part of his neck. "This explains everything," Haywire said while flashing her trademark, 1000 watt smile.

"Explains" Nightshade asked while quirking an eyebrow in interest.

"Um, why don't I tell you about it on the flight over to HQ?" Haywire said as she turned to Highlander. "Highlander, will you call Hawk and order us a pick up please?" Haywire asked with a puppy dog pout.

"Yeah yeah I'm on it," Highlander said as he moved out of the conference room and towards his hotel room to grab the laptop, leaving the two girls and one criminal by themselves.

"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady," Nightshade said with an expressionless face.

"Eh heh heh heh, yeah I know," Haywire said as she rubbed the back of her head in a nervous gesture.

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