Chp. 3

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Drew POV

     She done fucked up now forreal forreal. I trusted Bailey with everything and this how she do me. Dancing with other niggas at the club. Hell naw. She got me fucked up. That's why when I walked into Celebrity and I seen her ass with that nigga I said fuck it and just skated with some bitch that kept grabbing on me. 

     Her ass prolly slept with him to knowing her past. Everybody just think she a goody two shoe when she not. How could she give it up to him and not me. She owe me it atleast I been sticking around for fucking forever and she been holding out. That's why I been fucking with Rachel. She know how to put it down for a nigga. 

     I see Bailey walking over here to my car now.

Hey Bae What's Up?

Naw You Tell Me What's Up with You and That Nigga you was with at Celebrity lil mama

What. I don't get it. I wasnt with nobody while I was there just Ty and Erica

You aint gotta fucking lie. I dont give a fuck no more. You fucked that nigga didn't you? Man don't even say shit I already know you did. I'm done with yo ass. Don't Fucking call me or txt me no mo. Delete my shit.

Bae. What is you talking about ? I was just dancing. I don't got any reason to lie. I'm a Virgin.You already know this. Whatever Fuck It. Fuck this Relationship. Fuck You and Fuck the Bitch You Cheating on me with. Yea yo ass thought I ain't know . I know fucking everything nigga. Man Bye.



Short Chapter I know. Next One Will Be Longer. I've been busy with my classes lately. I'll be updating more often now. Just bare with me. Please Vote & Comment. Ideas are welcome.

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