Chp. 14

452 26 1

Bailey POV

      I stood there in the window watching a tow truck pull the range onto it's back while Ty was talking to the driver.

Ty kept glancing at the window like he knew I was standing there but I know he couldn't. I stayed there watching until I seen Ty giving Jay dap and then getting into a car and pulling off.

I slowly walked to the couch where Drew was sitting and plopped down next to him. He was texting somebody and by the way he was looking it seemed real intense. I was gonna tell him what had happened but the way he looking I know he could care less.

I can see why our relationship went downhill. He was a cheater, a habitual liar, and only was there when he needed me not the other way around. Last night was a shocker to me.

Drew is definitely not the lovey dovey type. He's more so on the thug side. And attractive as helll. I mean 5'10 , muscular, smooth brown complexion, brown eyes and curly jet black hair. Not to mention that one dimple when he smiles at you. He was the guy that made bitches panties have a tsunami going on. (Lol)

I mean that's how he got me. I shook myself out my thoughts. Almost forgot where I was at for a second there. I laid across the couch and put my feet on his lap. He just kept going on and texting. I started getting frustrated.

I pulled out my phone and started playing Ashley(Big Sean) . I layed all the way out on the couch taking my feet off him and curling up on my side. 

Next thing I know I felt something over me. It was Drew mouthing the words in my face smiling. I just watched him amused how he actually knew all the words. By now in the song if it was me I would probably be singing all the wrong words making up a remix. I watched his mouth move and just listened to him rap out Big Sean part with all his heart...

My bad for those long long nights, long nights when I left you in the sheets

Sorry for when you had to cry yourself to sleep

Tried to count on me and I made you count sheep

Sorry when you put your faith in me I was unfaithful, disgraceful

Distasteful yeah I know you're not supposed to hate cake and eat it too

Crazy how these hoes always kept my plate full...............



I know I wasn't honest to ya girl

Almost broke every promise to ya girl

Brought problems to your world

And you said "how could you just lie to me? I thought you'd die for me?"

I was scared you'd find somebody who would treat you like they're supposed to

You the type niggas get close to, get close to, and then propose to

And when thanksgivings come around,

I ain't tryna bring hoes through to momma

So it's back to the drama,

Next thing I know Drew was kissing all over me. And then his phone rang. I pushed him off and grabbed his phone before he got a chance to grab it. All I seen was Rachel face tryna facetime him. 

I got extra heated. Like dawg I know we not together right now but shit yo extracurricular bitches ruining my mood like forreal forreal.

I looked at Drew with his head in his hands. I decided to answer.

Hey, Rachel ... Doll Here He Is 

What the fuck? I'm on my way right now to beat both of y'all asses. 

Sweetheart. See what you don't understand is he always gone be mine. Regardless of what you think. But I'll Let You Guys Have your little convo. Tah tahhh *Blows Kiss*

I handed Drew the phone still tryna hold my composure. I refuse to let him know her calling actually just killed me on the inside. Like we ain't even been broken up for that long and this how you doing me. This why we NOT back together. 

I jogged up the stairs making sure I controlled my facial expression. I went in the bathroom and did my hygiene thing, fixed my make-up, put my hair in a quick messy bun and threw back on my yoga pants and gym shoes.

I put all my stuff in my bag and made sure I grabbed both mine and his phone chargers. Shit I'll be damned if you'll be talking to that bitch tonight. Yea I know a little crazy. 

I jogged back down the steps only to see Drew still arguing on facetime with Rachel. I started laughing in my head if she mad at him about this and he not even hers watch this. 

I walked up behind Drew and grabbed his chin and kissed him, forcing my tongue in his mouth. I could feel him get excited. I kissed him long and hard making sure Rachel seen all that shit. I heard her ass yelling still. (Lol) 

I had to shake myself out the trance. Our lips slowly parted. We still were face to face with barely enough room to even breath.

I whispered:

   I'll see you when I see you Drew.

  I love you Bai..

And that was my cue to leave. You wasn't bouta sit here and argue with another girl on facetime and expect me to say I love you back. Hell no. He lucky I felt like being petty rather than punch him in his fucking mouth. Yes, I'm bipolar I know it. Do I give a fuck? Nope..

I walked away switching extra hard making sure he was watching all this ass walking out the door.

I started walking towards the bus stop only to hear Jay calling my name. I was gonna ignore him but I just met, well re-met him if you wanna get technical, the other day and he might just turn out to be beneficial to me one day. 

I walked up the pathway to his house and on the porch taking a seat next to him.

He offered his blunt to me and I took it with a quickness. Inhaling hard as hell. He don't understand how much I really needed this. 

Jay was saying something to me but I was zoned out passing him back the blunt......


How y'all feeling about Bailey?

Is there more to the story than what Drew is letting Bailey know?


They let me know someone is actually out here reading this. Your comments help me with the direction of the story. 

Check Out @ xflawlesss new story "Distance"

@chantelhouse story "And Then There Were Two (Love Story)"

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