Chapter 9

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Pink Lady
Chapter NINE: Dropout

8:30 AM

Normally, seeing Jennie in a cotton candy pink wig would have brought me to tears and watching Mike and James doing the Macarena dressed up as angels would have made me die. Normally. Except things were beyond my normal state. I wouldn't say that I'm depressed but it so close I might as well accept that I am. It just sucks (a lot!) that I got my head wrapped up in something so avoidable. If I had my computer with me (which I deeply regret not packing) I would have produced multitudes of music tracks that had some somber significant to my life. I couldn't settle for the songs out there to comfort me. Most of them were about heartbreak AFTER the relationship is done with. It's hard to find a song about my situation. A girl who tragically falls for her friend who doesn't fell the same way. Yeah, those type of songs are hard to find. I drank a hot cup of coffee, I had to keep awake from the past two sleepless nights. I've never had a problem with my sleeping pattern before. It's strange to feel drained after a day at the set and not be able to sleep. I'm calculating that one day, after months of crappy rest, I'll be walking down the sidewalk and knock out spontaneously. Then the paparazzi will swarm over me and pick at me until there nothing left to say.


I snapped out of my wondering and looked up at Louisa and Marcie, who both had the same generic outfit I had on. A muumuu and platinum 5 inch heels. They looked at me, concerned. They had no clue what happened two days ago but I certainly wasn't going to tell them. I was lucky enough to have Taylor take me out of my misery and out of the closet (not in that sense). After I ran up to my room and barricaded myself in our bathroom, Taylor came by and comforted me. I cried a tiny amount compared to the intense pressure that was pent up inside me. I refused to cry after my boo-hoo rejection. (I don't even consider it rejection. It's not like I asked him to be with me and he refused.) Anyways, Taylor came by and told me he informed everybody I had gotten sick. He didn't bother telling me what Nate did. It's not like I needed to know.

"Uh, what's up?" I responded a bit too late.

Marcie's hand shot up to my forehead, testing for a fever Taylor claimed I had. She frowned when she felt my cold skin against her warm touch. She then tested for my cheek. Nothing.

"I'm stumped." She declared, "I've never seen anybody recover that quickly."

What she didn't know is that recovery is not in my near future.

"Good immune system?" I shrugged.

"Hmmm." Marcie cocked her head.

Louisa took her turn reminding me of the one person that I wish would forget, "It's a good thing Nate didn't kiss you. Imagine being stuck with a flu during a parade? Awful."

"Yeah," I gritted my teeth, "He's extremely lucky."

Emma came by, dressed as her normal self. She wasn't needed on set today but she insisted to come watch us do this next number.

Beauty School Dropout.

She tried to hold in a stifled laugh. Yeah, we looked THAT ridiculous. What they didn't tell us was that we were suppose to have on silver fake eyelashes with a splash of white eye makeup.

"This looks interesting." Emma watched the other thirteen extras that were dressed exactly like we were. "How are you feeling Jennie?"

Jennie shied away, "I don't know how you and Cait do it. Having the camera all to myself feels a bit strange."

"You'll love it, I'm sure. Once you get a taste of it you won't ever be satisfied." Emma joked.

I sipped my coffee, observing the extras who huddled closely together. No doubt they were reading another gossip magazine. I could see them passing around a glossy booklet around. I'll be glad that tomorrow we get the day off. Not even the cruel scheduling would make us work on Thanksgiving. One of the extras turned around and looked directly at me before she whipped around and giggled with her friends.

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