Chapter 13

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Pink Lady
Chapter THIRTEEN: Surprises

"You know," He began, "I go crazy for PB and J."

I looked up to the smug face of Nate and my jaw dropped. I wanted to take a double take at my surroundings to assure he was talking directly to me. He slowly chewed on my sandwich, savoring every taste he could get out of it. Nate waited for a response but I zoomed out of there once I got the feeling back in my legs.

3:45 AM

I yawned into my hand and tightly closed my eyes, trying to stay awake. Thinking back to the horrid sleeping pattern I had during the Thanksgiving holidays, I half wished I had the ability to stay awake right now. Why? Just cause, you never know what a sleepy Caitlyn is capable of. I could be considered a threat to society in this state. But big thanks to the people who screwed up my flight times. I honestly wanted my flight to land in a dead hour. Who cares about my family right? I mean sure I might sleep in through all my Christmas Eve, but as long as I get there before Christmas I'm good. I stood by the luggage pick-up, waiting impatiently for my things to stroll around the little mechanical contraption.

I yawned again. I hoped my mom was here. There was no way in hell I was going to take a taxi, not this late at night. I might jujitsu my way out of a creepy and dangerous situation but barely. There's only so much I can accomplish with my exhausted self.

Ugh, finally.

I ungracefully threw my luggage on the ground and popped up the handle. My footsteps echoed throughout the lonely and deserted walls of this airport. I think I passed a security guard a couple of steps ago. Perhaps I could have asked how to get out of this maze...

I twisted around to the guard I thought was by the escalators. To my sleepy surprise, there was nobody there. My eyes drooped. Damn it. Was I dreaming? Hmm, then I must be in a dangerous state of illusion. I kept on trudging on.

I know you could care less about this. You're dying to know why I ran away from Nate after I discovered he was eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That must have been like...two days ago? Yes, two days ago. I was minding my own business in the kitchen and then out of nowhere Nate attempts to stir up a conversation as he sexily ate my sandwich. It took me a while to recover from the shock that his voice was directed to me. Sure, I love his voice. It has this certain ring to it that sends a hurricane of thoughts begin in my head. At first I was so happy to have him speak to me again. But then, I was furious that with out warning he finally got the balls to talk to me. So I stared at him for a while until it was to awkward to yell anything at him so I ran out. Sure, call me wimp but I'm sure if Nate Grey ever tried to stir up a conversation with you about peanut butter and jelly you would either a) faint or b) scream your lungs out. Don't be criticizing my reaction. Anywho, I ran to Taylor who didn't hesitate to open a spot under his arm so I could snuggle up next to him. I concentrated hard on the tv until it felt safe to ease myself.

"Tried to talk to you?" Taylor asked, shoving in the last bite of sandwich.
He swallowed, "Told you he might be after some action."

Taylor got a fair bruise from that punch.


I opened my eyes and saw my mom trot over to my limp form. I used most of my energy to put on a pleasant face for her but it was energy put to waste.

"Caity, you look terrible." She frowned she put her arm protectively around me and began escorting me outside to the sharp cold air of Illinois. Despite the deep drop of temperature, it wasn't enough to wake me. I dragged myself through the wet snow to my mom's warm car. Usually I would complain to my mother about not getting a welcome home gift when I came back from camp but being home was a gift in itself.

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