Chapter 14

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Pink Lady
Chapter FOURTEEN: Changes

Actor's Quarter
10:30 AM

New Years has come and gone and I was back in the Quarters, enjoying an empty house. I was dancing around the kitchen with Emma singing at the top of my lungs while she made a skillet full of fried veggies and cubed beef. It was something oriental and it smelled delicious. I was still in celebration that I was going to London and so was Emma. We casually bumped into each other at the airport (and by casual I mean that we totally planned it). I waited for about an hour for Emma to arrive from New York. Thankfully, Nate wasn't flying out until later because...well I'm not sure but I didn't have to 'bump' into him too. We were instantly swarmed with paparazzi but I didn't mind this time. Sure, they might be a bit aggressive and loud and annoying but I was back with Emma and that was enough to send my cares away. All I needed was Taylor and this would be perfect.

"Caitlyn, do you like soy sauce?" Emma held up a bottle.

I shrugged, "It's alright."

"Good," She looked up, "because I would have died if you said no."


"I just added some to the stir fry." She sheepishly bit her lip.

"In that case..." I joked.

I began to laugh as Emma chased me around the island.

"Come back here!" She yelled.

I let out a single laugh, "I'm not that dumb!"

I ran for the living room but she cornered me. I sighed, I had no idea what she had in mind to get back at me but knowing Emma...

"I have a bottle of soy sauce just for you."

...she might just force me to gulp down a bottle of that dark liquid. My nose wrinkled in disgusted as I sunk lower into the corner. She was so close to kill my appetite but she stopped at the sound of the front door closing. We froze and listened intently to figure out who it was. There as no sound other than shuffling around and the occasional cough. "Cait? Emma?" Taylor called out.

He entered the kitchen and was surprised to see me huddled in a corner with Emma hovering over me using a bottle as her weapon.

"What did I miss? A big fight?" Taylor interrogated. "Oh you must be fighting over me. No worries girls, My heart is big enough to love each of you."

Emma groaned and walked back to her stir fry as I crawled to my feet. I dusted myself off and hugged Taylor.

"How did you know it was us?" I asked.

"Please." He scoffed, " Who else cooks and cleans?"

Emma laughed, "Our jig is up, Caitlyn. Taylor knows our dirty little secret."

"You think you could hide your neat freak tendencies, Cait?" Taylor squeezed my arm. I crossed my arms defensively. I didn't want the whole world to know about it.

"Yeah." I frowned.

"Well I mean I had to get suspicious after a while. Who would purposely lose a bet to wash Nate's disgusting sheets?"

My mouth dropped, "You knew about that?"

"Psh, yeah! At first I thought you were a freak that just wanted to roll around in Nate's sheets and perform some kind of voodoo. Then, after I saw how clean you left his corner and it had to be more than just you liking him."

"Excellent observation Taylor!" Emma congratulated.

"Then of course I had Emma confirmed everything." Taylor grinned back at a offended Emma.

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