Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Damn it. She can’t stop talking about her dream guy,” Zen cursed at his computer and turned it off at the same time.

“Good night my friend, you have a pleasant dream too and don’t forget to meet me there with my guy,” he mocked making a small girly voice.

“Why would I want to meet him? Urgh!!” he screamed angrily.

He didn’t know whether he was angry at himself or with her. He thought she would fall in love with him. She told him she loves his poems, writings, and she even thinks he’s romantic. Isn’t that enough to make her fall for him?

He remembered the first time Scha commented on his poems and writings. At first he didn’t know that it was her because she’d been using her pen name ‘Dream Girl,’ and he treated her like his other fans. However one day, Scha forgot to turn off her computer and that was when he realised that she was ‘Dream Girl,’ his number one die hard fan. He was so happy that he jumped with joy when he found that out, but he decided to keep it a secret.

He was so glad when she agreed to exchange e-mail addresses when he suggested it telling her that he would prefer it if she be the first one to read and comment. He still managed to keep his identity a secret while she willingly told him almost everything about her. He had successfully made their friendship bloom and he thought he could make her fall in love with him through his poems and writings. Waiting for that right moment when she finally did, he would then reveal his true identity and tell her the truth about his feelings.  Everything was going so well until this jerk came into the picture.

Sighing he sat on his bed and looked at the picture frame on his side table. It’s the picture of him kissing Scha on her cheek when they were celebrating her birthday last year. Damn he loves this woman. Loves her so much that he’s willing to do anything for her, but she never realized all this. She even told him just now that she doesn’t want to be the unlucky one. Doesn’t she know that he will make her feel like she’s the luckiest woman on earth if she ever fell in love with him?

He had to do something he told himself. Something before it’s too late.  Something that will make her fall for him but what? He was already out of ideas but he wasn’t giving up. His mom keeps reminding him to never give up on something he really wants. He had to give his best into achieving it and that’s what he intends to do. He was going to make sure that one day Scha will be his forever.

Putting the picture back in its place he went to his computer, turned it on again, and began typing whatever that came out from his mind.


“Hi, morning Scha, hope you had a pleasant sleep.” Scha read the e-mail coming from her phone the next morning. She was still lying on her bed even though she had awakened much earlier in the day. She was too lazy to wake up, so she just lingered in her bed.

Smiling she responded, “Morning to you too. Wow you are early today. Couldn’t sleep?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t close my eyes last night. I kept thinking about you.” He said.

“Oh really?” She simply typed back.

“Yeah, I even managed to write a special poem for you. Hope you like it. It’s called “WHEN THE NIGHT COMES”. He told her and she quickly opened the attachment.

Every night I dream of you

Every night I could see you

Every night I could hold you

And every night I could love you.


But when morning arrives much to my dismay

Begging desperately for the night to stay

But you slowly faded away

Leaving me crying in despair


So whenever the night comes

I can’t wait to see you again

To have you in my arms

And whispers those loving words again


She gasped when she read his poem. Her heart was beating loudly. Was he telling her his real feeling towards her? Was he telling her that he’s falling for her?

The incoming e-mail signal went off waking her from her thoughts. “What do you think? It asked. Do you like it?”

She bit her lips contemplating what to say to him. Finally she replied. “I love it as usual. It is so romantic. You wrote it special for me?”

“Not really. It said, “Actually I wrote it for someone special. Do you think she’ll like it?”

Reading his reply she suddenly felt disappointed and angry. He didn’t write it for her like he told her earlier. It was for someone else and he’s asking her opinion. How dare he play with her heart like this? But why is she angry? She asked herself. He never told her that she is special to him and besides, she already found her dream guy. She just hopes her dream guy will write beautiful poems like this for her too. But somehow she still feels disappointed in his reply.

She read the e-mail again and hastily replied; “Yeah she’s going to like it. I have to go. I’m meeting my best friend today. Bye. We’ll chat again later.” She turned off her phone without waiting for his reply.

Zen chuckled with Scha’s sudden goodbyes. She’s going to meet him for lunch, and right now it’s only 8.30 am. He knew she would be disappointed that the poem was not meant for her. He got a feeling she was jealous. He could feel it. He knew her like the back of his hand. He knew how romantic poems made her feel. He was going to send her romantic poems from now on. No more friendship or other types of poems but only romantic ones. He will send it to her everyday and night but would tell her that the poems were meant for someone else. He would make her feel jealous that the poems were not meant for her. He was going to make her fall for him with his romantic poems, and he was going to make her dream of him everyday and night.

Most of all he was going to make her forget about the jerk, and fall deeply in love with him.

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