As we pull up to the house all I could think was OMG. My birth parents are rich. The house was beautiful. We both decided to bring our adopted parents along to so they could meet our parents. We told them about what happened to use and they said they had no ides we were kidnapped all they did was sing up online to adopt a kid and they got a call back saying they could come pick out their baby. They all talked to my mom and dad on the phone and they understood. My mom even said that at least we were able to make other people happy. Before we even knocked on the door some one opened. She was tall and beautiful. She had long dark wavy hair and her eyes we just so beautiful.
"Hi I'm Isabella."
"Hi I'm Nicole."
"I'm Nathan."
"Well it is very nice to met the both of you. I was only 1 when you were kidnapped so I didn't know I even had another brother or sister till a few years ago. I always wanted to met the both of you. Oh and what are your names?" She ask our parents.
'Hi I'm Jacob and this is my wife Madison."
"I'm Mario and this is my wife Zoey."
"Nice to meet you. Oh yall can come in."
We walk into the house and we enter into a long hallway. Then there are two doors right across from each other.
"That is the kitchen and the bathroom is a little further down right before the stairs on the right just in case you have to use the bathroom. Everyone is in hear. This is our living room." She opens the door and I see my birth parents on one couch, tree guys on another and two girls on the other couch, in the middle of the floor there were three kids. Two girls and a boy. Olive went to set with the girls while we went over to the only empty couch. At first no said anything until my birth mom spoke up.
" Oh I for got to tell you both that Sophia is married with two kids. The two girls right there, they are also twins and Aiden has the son but the mother died giving birth. They were only dating but he was still really up set. His name is Adam. Savannah and Scarlett. Her husband hear name is Scott." So a family full of names with the letter S, I thought that was cute.
"So what was life like for the both of you did yall know each other when you were little." Isabella ask
"No we just met a few mouths ago. Actually when we met I had just broke up with my boyfriend and he was kind of the rebound."
"OMG really you had sex with your own brother." Says Isabella.
"Yes, we only found you because I got pregnant so we were going to get married. But then Nathan said it would be nice to try to find our birth parents before we got married just incase we wanted them their they could come. So we hired a privet investigator who was the one to tell us we were twins so now hear we are."
"Your pregnant?" my adopted mom ask
"So what are yall going to do about the baby and are yall going to stay together." Sophia ask
"Were not going to stay together." I say
"Yea once we found we were related it was not the same between us." Says Nathan
"And the baby?" Says Nathan's mom
"We have not decided but I don't believe in abortion but I also don't know what we would tell the baby once he or she is older."
After that we decided to talk about how all of our lives were. I was happy because I didn't want to talk about the baby anymore because I really had no idea what I should do. We left and made plans to see each other again. But I know that we were going to have to decide what to do about the baby.

Short StoryA couple who started off as a one night stand fall in love and decide to get married. But before they do they want to know everything about each other. They find out they were both adopted at birth and want to find their borth parents. There world i...