Aries - Aquarius: never dull a moment
Both signs love adventure. They can enjoy being together, and also giving each other some space.
Libra - Leo: socially active
An expressive couple. Libra loves fulfilling Leo's demands
Capricorn - Taurus: telepathic comprehension
Taurus admires Capricorn's work and fun nature; Capricorn appreciates Taurus' kind and sensible nature.
Cancer - Pisces: spiritual bond
Both are sentimental and try hard not to hurt one another.
Leo - Sagittarius: love to party
Leo is a bit stubborn, but Sagittarius loves that confidence. They naturally help another and love to party.
Virgo - Capricorn: attraction
A natural introvert, once Virgo opens up, they confide absolutely in the other person. Capricorns are attracted to that.
Leo - Gemini: adventure-loving duo
Leo is a bit stubborn, and Gemini makes them feel loved. They get along very well and love to share adventures.
Astrology Life
AcakAll you need to know about your Zodiac Sign. Trying to be as original as possible. Credits to tumblr, books & my parents. Requests welcome!