Chapter Twenty-Four

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Getting into the building proved easier than we expected. The Council had called an emergency meeting of all resident and visiting Odda to discuss progress. We had planned to break into the building but saw, upon approaching, a line of people trying to get in. We joined the queue. When it was my turn, I did what the man before me did, picking up a small knife, I pricked my finger and let the blood drip into a bowl of clear water. The water bubbled for a while before fizzling out.
"Welcome incubus" a sweet voice said and the doors before me swished open. They closed after I entered.

The room was large and shaped in form of a colosseum. Twelve red chairs faced the doors, the seat of the twelve elders but only six were occupied. Behind me, the doors admitted the rest of my party but I ignored them as my eyes were glued to the middle of the room. There was a form of stage in the middle of the large space. Someone shoves me from behind.
"Take a seat, you're blocking the entrance" a guard says and I obey, trailing Cameron to a row beside the door.
"What do you think is going on?" Cam whispers
"Whatever it is, it cannot be good" Belle replies.

After a few minutes of watching, I began to feel antsy. The hall had filled up during that time and I was surprised to see that there were over a hundred people in here. I didn't know there were that much Odda in L.A. The double doors opened a last time to admit a bunch of hunters. They position themselves at all the exits, including the window high up in the middle of the hall, three hunters hover under it. Dread spread through me and I knew this meeting would turn out to be the funeral of any opposition.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this meeting, a first of its kind. You are among the privileged few to witness this great day, the dawn of amazing things for all who believe" one of the people sitting on the elder's row announced.

A hush fell upon the hall and you could hear a pin if it dropped. The man who spoke rose from his seat and stepped forward.
"For those of you who do not know me, I am Elder Giovanni from the house of Blendeds, a Soul Catcher." He paused for effect
"I hate him already." Sherry whispered and I smile
"I will cut to the chase. Many years ago, the Overlord had a vision so beautiful that he had to share. It involved the peace, prosperity and progress of all Odda. He shared this vision with a few friends but they didn't see it his way. They were executed"

The hall is filled with harsh whispering and disbelief. Protest break out but the speaker ignored them as his eyes roam the room.
"Silence" he bellowed and the crowd quiets gradually. "This is not a market place. As I was saying, the Overlord gave them an option. Some of you here agreed to progress and you will be rewarded for your service. I am here to discuss the plans we have for progress to those of you who do not understand. After the Supreme Council for Blessed was formed, a couple of rules were enforced. I'm sure most of you know these rules, but I will enumerate a few. Under no circumstance is an Odda allowed to marry a human or reveal their identity. No Odda can procreate without permission from the Council. No Odda can relocate without alerting the Council. Etc.

"Now I'm sure you are wondering why I picked these rules, I will explain. Because of their great wisdom, the first Council were able to call a truce between the Blendeds and Changelings. They also envisioned a future where chaos will reign if Odda had no laws. However, because some Odda believed in civilization and the likes, they amended our constitution and allowed more freedom to Odda. While freedom in itself is not bad, freedom is not free. It comes with a price and this price is too heavy for us to pay.

"The stupidity of the incumbent Council cancelled out the wisdom of their predecessors. Today, their foolishness has resulted in more rogue Odda, misguided Odda, Halflings and the dreaded Blendlings. Their foolishness led to the birth of a plague, the Reaper! Yes, if the old ways were maintained, little to no crime would have been our reward. Instead we have hurricanes and other natural disasters because rogue elementals threw temper tantrums; floods, pestilence, hunger; corpses drained of blood; Halflings pretending to be messiahs because they have abilities; you name it! I ask you now, is this what progress feels like?"
"No!" The audience reply, murmuring and shouting their displeasure. I shrink down in my seat.

"Exactly! All the issues of today were caused by these amendments! Last week, an empath married a human, imagine the horror!" He paused to let this sink in "Odda do as they like nowadays. Unsolved mysteries pile up police precincts. We are on the brink of another war because Changeling and Blended altercations are increasing. Should we continue like this?"
"No!" The audience reply
"We cannot continue like this. We must come together and put our foot down, saying no to bad laws, no to Halflings, no to Blendlings. The time has come for us to unite in the fight against the Reaper" he shouts and the audience roar their approval. I could see why we were warned about this man, he had a viper's tongue.

"Brothers and sisters" he shouts and the hall quiets. "Some families will oppose change. In fact they will do everything possible to ensure that we go extinct because of their greed. But we will not allow them! The Overlord has ordered the execution of any opposition. Today, you shall bear witness to the execution of these traitors. These are among the worst of the worse. Scum. They have hidden behind a veneer of sophisticated progress for too long. Today they shall be exposed.

"But before I bring them forward, let me tell you their crimes. You will be their judge. This family has wronged Odda in the worst way by harboring fugitives" Again murmurs arose. "Yes fugitives. Not only do they harbor a mad murderer but also an abomination! While I served in the Soul Catcher Guild, I was partnered with this madman, the one now referred to as the Reaper. He is the reason I retired from service to join the political arm. Anyway, this family has been hiding not only a Blendling, but also the Reaper."

I start to get up but Cameron holds me down and I struggle. He's talking about us, I can see it in Cam's eyes that he has come to this same conclusion. All around us, hullabaloo breaks out.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the protectors of great evil, the Deverauxs!"
Mum and Gerry are led to the middle stage and Cameron releases me, shooting to his feet. The crowd boos and some throw stuff at them. Mum is hit with a half full water bottle. I stand too. In a cold voice I'm surprised to hear from Cam, he says...

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