Chapter Sixteen

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When the adults went to bed that night, the four of us sat together in Cam's room to plot. Since I had a bigger room, Cam and I were sharing his while the twins used mine. We'd received a text shortly after midnight that they were coming over.
"Something is definitely fishy" Sherry said.
"The little mum told us about the Council was that they didn't tolerate any stupidity that could lead to exposure. Seems to me using magic in broad daylight is stupidity. Why haven't they acted. I miss mum" Belle said.
"We should go rescue her" Cam asked.
"I get that danger excites you, but not all of us are super men." I say sarcastically. I was still riding the high of my recent feed and didn't want anything to disturb it
"Superman or not, we have to get my mum" Belle said
"But where to look..." Sherry trailed off
"We can check their house" Cam said
"Sure" I say mockingly. "Maybe we can bring the gun along too, fire off some rounds at a guy who can kill us with a snap of his fingers."
"What is your problem!" Belle rounded on me "Do you have to be a jerk right now? Our mum was taken prisoner and you're making snide remarks!"
"Enough." Sherry said "this isn't helping Bee"
"Chill out man" Cam reprimanded

Feeling guilty, I crept to the window and looked into the night. The street was quiet and peaceful and I willed the peace to calm me. As I watched, a faint breeze carried a scent to me and I froze. I could smell the acrid smell of smoke and it brought back memories, memories of my birth. I felt footsteps approaching me and I froze
"Get back" I yelled, pulling the person with me as I dived for the ground. A fire ball shot past us and landed on the bed. It ignited and flames spread around the bed immediately, climbing to the walls.
"We need to get out of here" Cameron shouted and we rushed for the door.

We woke mum, Gerry and Bass and they joined us as we raced for the front door. A kick severed it from its hinges and three men dressed in black entered. They wore black clothes bearing the red insignia of the Council hunters. They each held long swords and approached in a choreographed move.
"Get out back" Bass yelled and rushed to confront the guys. Mum and Gerry pulled the girls between them and rushed for the back door. Cam opened the door with telekinesis and more men poured into the house. He shoved the women back and the both of us rushed the intruders.

One man swung his sword for my head and I ducked at the last minute, delivering a sucker punch to his stomach. He doubled forward in pain and I used the distraction to snatch his sword from him, spinning around to slash the man behind me. He dropped dead and I thrust the sword at my first attacker. From the corner of my eyes, I saw that Cameron had phased into his Whingon avatar. He impaled a man with his red wing and the man immediately burst into flames, burning to ashes within seconds. Lashing out with the other wing, another man becomes frozen. He delivered a swift kick to the ice statue and it shattered. I turned and sparred with the man who just rushed me with his sword raised. He swung once and I sidestepped, hitting him with the butt of my sword and he stumbled. One more rushed me and I stabbed him, as I turned to finish off the last one, a shot rang out and he dropped. I turned to watch as Gerry squeezed off two more shots, her perfect aim killing the remaining men.

"The fire is spreading" Bass shouted as he joined us "Get out!"
We rushed out back and were accosted by three men. Gerry shot one, Bass killed the other. Sherry stabbed the third and Belle finished him off looking fierce. I was proud of them. They'd both picked up swords from the dead combatants in the house. Reaching the garage, we found the cars burning, cutting off our most obvious means of escape. A fire elemental lobbed a fire ball at us and Cam deflects it with his mind. The attacker froze suddenly and started choking, scratching at his throat. Mum had cut off his air supply. When he dropped, we ran into the street. People had started peeking from their windows and I imagined what they saw.

I had to pull Cameron into the shadows because he stood out most; with his wings out, one smoking and the other giving off frost. I'd discovered this about his wings the first time I went training with him and Bass so I wasn't surprised by the it. I still wasn't prepared for the hot and cold feeling emanating from him as he panted, trying to get himself under control. Once his wings disappeared, we joined the others as they ran. We easily caught up with them.

I could hear the sirens in the distance as we got to Jacqueline's front door. Hers was the closest place to ours and we had to get off the street. We certainly couldn't continue running around in our bloodied night clothes. Once inside, the twins led us to different rooms to clean up. They found clothes for us all and we quickly changed, not risking the time to bathe. Bass's black wife beater was stretched tautly on his defined chest. Cameron and I had perfect fits, I assume Jacqueline had us in mind when she went shopping for the clothes. The ladies also found clothes that fit the perfect, even though mum was wearing shorts she often complained about ladies wearing, they still fit. Her feet were trapped in pink Nike's and I smiled at how girly she looked.

"We need a plan" Bass began "I questioned one of the men that attacked us before I killed him and he told me the Council sent them. I dunno what to believe because this isn't their style. Usually, they send Hermen to ask us to surrender before sending hunters to bring us in. They'd certainly not attack us at the risk of exposure the way they just did"
"Something is not right" Gerry said
"We need to lay low for a while, leave this environment till its safe" I said
"What about our mum" Sherry asked.
"We'll find her." Bass said. "But you kids need to leave, go into hiding. Let the adults take care of the rest."
"We can help" Cam said. "You saw what we did today, we aren't exactly helpless"
"We'll feel better if you kids are out of harm's way, protect each other. Let us find Jacqueline" mum said
"We split up! That's usually how the guys in movies get killed" Belle cried.
"This is real life child" Bass said.

Even though I agreed with him, I still felt a nagging feeling that splitting up was not the best idea. We split up that night after making a quick stop at Bass's house to pick up 'supplies' and cars. As mum hugged me goodbye, I prayed it wasn't the last time I'd see her. None of us knew it would be a while before we saw each other again.

 Deviant (Blendling Trilogy  #1)Where stories live. Discover now