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Sheik's POV

"Ayyyyeee I'm bout to be 18 tomorrow!!" I shouted talking to Jontavian on the phone, ready to see DaShawn.

Speaking of DaShawn he calling now.

"Hold up, DaShawn calling me" I told Jontavian.


I then clicked pause and answer on my iPhone.


"Hey, Wyd" he asked sounding kind of sad.

"I was on FaceTime with Jon, what's wrong with you?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry but I won't be able to be with you tomorrow.." He told me. To be honest I was really disappointed to hear that from him of all people.

If only one person could make it, I wanted it to be him.


"Because my parents are having a trip and they said I have to go" he informed me.

"Ohh.."😞 I sighed.

"Yeah, but I PROMISE I will make it up to you when I get back." He said.

"Ok, where are y'all going anyway?" I asked.

"To Cali to visit some family" he said.


"Yeah, but I'll call you back later ok" he said


"Love you"

"Love you too"

Man that really just ruined my entire mood. I don't even really care about turning 18 as much anymore. That doesn't mean I'm going to cancel my plans of doing a photoshop with some of my friends tho.

I called Jon back and told him what happened then the rest of the day flew by pretty quickly.

*Next Day*

Right now I'm sitting in my living room waiting for 11:45 to come so I could go out to my photo shoot. Right now I'm just wearing something casual.

I was on Instagram going through DaShawn's page sad that I won't see him today.

But I did get a goodnight and good morning text saying that he loves me and hopes I have a good day. Well at least he did that.

It was 11:56 by the time I got to the place I had to do the photoshoots. I walked through the front doors to the elevator. After passing 3 floors it stopped on floor 4.

I then walked to the stairs and made my way to the roof. The photographer was waiting along with some of my friends on the side.

The photographer asked where DaShawn was cause he was suppose to be in the pictures, but I said he wouldn't be here.

I did some poses as the photos were taken. After taking a few I got the camera and started looking through the pictures. I saw someone walking up to me so I looked up and got real happy.

He held his arms open and I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

"I love you" DaShawn whispered in my ear making me blush.

"I love you too bae" I said.

I didn't even notice my friend saying aww in the background. This just made my day.

After we let go we shared a deep kiss.

"I got you sumn" he said.

"What is it?" I asked cheesing.

He grabbed my hand and led me over to the stairs. We then got on the empty elevator.

"What was you thinking when I said I wasn't coming?" He asked laughing.

"I was sad and mad as fuck, I was starting to think you didn't care bout me no more" I said looking down.

He lifted my chin up and looked in my eyes. "You know I love you and won't forget bout you" we heard the ding sound of the elevator and DaShawn grabbed my hand "now come on birthday boy" he said then kissed me.

We walked out the building and through the parking lot to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. He then walked over to his door and hooked in he then drove me to his house.

He pulled in the drive way and we got out. When he opened his front door I couldn't believe what I saw.

•What y'all think DaShawn got Sheik?
Comment '👀' if you saw the video of DaShawn surprising Sheik
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•Don't miss Jontavian's new YouTube video tonight ‼️


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