Chapter 10: Jazlyn

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Aphrodite was pissed off at me because I wasn't kicked out of going into the fieldwork. She and Andrew were stuck studying and training. I wasn't in the field still because the leaders of Hawthorn Academy were my aunt and uncle, it was because I wanted to follow orders, but had no choice but to interfere because of my teammates.

I was about to leave my room, but froze when a knife hit against the door. I turned around to see, Aphrodite standing up, glaring at me.

"What's your deal?"

"I'm just wondering how the hell you are still in the field, when Andrew and I are sweating our asses off training and learning shit that we already know about those stupid vampires. What do you have under your sleeve?"

"Nothing, Aphrodite, alright? They knew the situation of what happened and they understood why I had to do it."

"Oh, so you're saying that you ratted us out so that you can stay in."

"I'm not even saying that. Look, they know that you and Andrew were the reasons why we fought that night. Don't get mad at me because you're the one who messed up. Now, if you'll excuse me, Victor and Julianna need to speak to me."

I walked out of the dorm, completely annoyed with Aphrodite. The nerve of that girl to blame me for something that she did wrong just made me want to punch her in the face. I knocked on the door of Victor's office and walked inside.

Victor nodded at me. "Jazlyn, good to see you, sit down."

I sat down on the seat in front of his desk. "Where's Aunt Julianna?"

"She has a class right now," he informed me. "So, it's been a month since that incident back in California. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good, I mean, I'm still sad about Melissa and Darren, but I feel great thanks to the training. I feel like I can kill that vampire from the factory."

"Good to hear," Victor nodded. "I noticed that you're improving. Anyway, let's cut down to the chase, shall we? I told you about the assignment in Mystique. Are you still up for it?"

"Of course," I answered.

"Good, you're going tonight." Victor handed me a manila folder. While he talked, I studied what was inside the folder. "It's been confirmed that it's vampire territory. There have been reports about missing people who entered the club and didn't come home. Three of the missing people have been found with strange bite marks on them."

I looked at the victims' neck photos. Large bites shaped where teeth would penetrate were on their necks. "What do the police call it?"

"Bite by a wild dog," he replied.

"The bite looks sloppy," I said, examining the bite mark. "It looks like they purposely made it to look like a wild animal. It's either that or they are a new set of vampires."

"Possibly," Victor shrugged. "How would you profile a vampire?"

"They're mysterious, they have cold skin, seductive, and they can make you feel vulnerable," I answered.

"How would you kill it?"

"Get it alone with me, maybe an alley. Make it seem like it has full advantage of me, and then strike at it. I can stake it first and then behead him or I can behead it."

Victor nodded, "Don't get involved with those bloodsuckers unless you really have to. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Uncle."

At ten at night, I was in front of Mystique. I was wearing my mom's leather jacket that had a stakeholder inside one of the sleeves. My silver knife was safely secured in my high heel boots. I got into the club and looked around the place. There were already pairs collaborating up and dancing together. It would be hard to tell which one was a vampire and which wasn't. I moved through the crowd and went for the bar. I ordered a cranberry vodka and looked around the club. It was hard to figure it out. My eyes were fixed on a couple that was sitting in the corner table. The man had his arm draped around her and kept kissing her neck.

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