Chapter 36: Jazlyn

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I ran down the stone steps and headed to the other door that Louis, Zayn, and Liam came out of, but was stopped by pieces of large burning debris falling down that blocked my exit. Quickly, I ran back to through the dungeon and headed for the other way. I slammed the wooden door open and looked around the place.

Every furniture was lit on fire, all the windows were being blocked by flames, and even the main entrance doors were on fire. Panicking hunters were running around trying to stop the fire or find a way out. I couldn’t find Julianna, Victor, or even Andrew anywhere.

Remembering that there was an exit in the cafeteria, I ran over there. The heat of the fire was as if I was in a sauna. Beads of sweat were already falling on the sides of my face and some were resting on my forehead. The smoke was making it hard to breathe and I began coughing a bit, but I still kept going. I slammed open the door and ran to the exit. The cafeteria wasn’t so bad compared to the other places, but it was still on fire and I didn’t have much time. I tried pushing it open, but it wouldn’t budge. I kept pushing and even kicking it, but there was no use of it.

“They blocked all the doors,” said a voice. I turned around and saw Victor. He slowly approached me. His muscles were tense, his hands were balled into fists, and his eyes were filled with so much rage.

“That vampire bitch must be a damn pyro because I saw those burn marks on her skin, but she does all of this? She starts a fire. She burned down some of the territories in the states and burned some hunters alive. I thought you were part of this too, but now I see you here trying to find a way out. They abandoned you and wanted you to die. How does it feel having no one for you, Jazlyn?”

“I have Aunt Julie,” I began. “She treated me better than you and-”

“She’s dead!” Victor yelled. “She was burned alive! It was all because of you! It’s your fault along with that stupid coven!” He smacked me hard across the face.

I slid across the floor and hit a table leg.

Victor stood over me. “Everything I did,” he continued, kicked, and punched me every time he said a new sentence. “If it wasn’t for you and that coven, Julianna would be alive! We would still have that vampire! Everything I did was for you! I trained you to be a strong fighter and this is what I get? A brat who can’t kill a monster that killed her own parents? I’ve had enough with you!”

A sound of a window breaking made us both look over. I was barely able to see because of how the table was blocking me, but I saw Victor get a fist collide to his face and flew across the room and slammed against the wall nearest to him.

I began to cough from the smoke that was forming in the cafeteria. “Harry?” I gasped. “Harry, is that you?

“You wish,” Angelina scoffed, picking me up. “Cover your eyes.”

I did what she was told and within seconds, I felt a soft cool air and me dropping to the ground. I looked around and noticed that we were in the middle of the woods and I couldn’t see Hawthorn anywhere.

“Where are we? Where are the others?”

“They are waiting for us somewhere else,” Angelina answered.

“Everyone made it out okay?”

Angelina nodded, “Yes, everyone in my coven is alive and well.”

“Why aren’t we with them then? We should go. They might be worried about us.”

“I have unfinished business with you.”

I felt slightly nervous from how she said that. “Are you going to kill me?”

“I would love to, but I don’t have the tendency to do that.” Angelina stared down at me. “I told you that the only way that I would let you be a part of this family is by joining us. I wasn’t joking around about that, Jazlyn.”

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