Chapter 11

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                I woke up in total darkness and I looked around and I couldn’t see much. I held out my hand about four inches in front of my face and I could barely see it, but what I could see of it, it looked… see through… I also noticed that the tattoo on my palm was glowing fire red, and I poked at it and when I did my finger went right through my hand and I pulled my finger away with a gasp. I looked around confused and wondering what was going on. I got up and walked around hoping I wouldn’t run into anything.

                I heard footsteps coming towards me and I felt something touch the tattoo on my hand and yelp from being burned like I did, I yanked my hand away from whatever touched me and heard someone gasp and I said, “who’s there”, I looked around nervously.

                “Shay can you hear me”, I heard May talking to me.

                “Yes I can, can you hear me May”, I asked.

                “Yes I can hear you to Shay. What happened to you? Why is your tattoo glowing red?”, May asked me.

                “I don’t know. All I know is I am in a very dark place. I can’t see anything”, I said.

                “Get out of there Shay! It is the darkness I was telling you about! Get out before it’s to late”, May yelled.

                “Wait May… how am I in this place and yet you’re in a different place and you can still see and talk to me?” I asked May nervously.

                “Shay, you are in a dream type thing. Everything will feel real, and it is, but it is all happening in a dream. Ok now Shay, you are going to need to get out of that place fast.” May said.

                I looked around for a way out but couldn’t find any way out because it was to dark to see anything and I am guessing there are no walls because I hadn’t ran into one yet. “I don’t see a way out of here May”, I said.

                “Shay you are going to have to look really look. They are going to do the best they can to keep you from-“, May said as she was cut off by someone walking into the room. Then she said, “Oh hi Alpha Wolf”, nervously.

                “What’s going on in here”, I heard Wolf ask May.

                May sighed and said, “The darkness has gotten Shay and I am trying to help her get away from it.”

                Wolf yells, “WHAT!”

                I covered my ears because he yelled way to loud and I said, “Wolf I am ok just please SHUT UP SO I CAN FIGURE OUT A WAY TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!”

                I heard someone whimper like they were scared and I rolled my eyes irritatedly. The only person that should be scared right now is me, and I guess May was thinking the same thing because I heard her yell, “I AM SORRY ALPHA WOLF BUT YOU SHOULD STOP YOUR WHIMPERING AND HELP ME HELP SHAY SO WE CAN GET HER BACK!”

                I then I heard and I’m guessing it was Wolf start growling at May for yelling at him and that’s when I had, had enough of them yelling, and I yelled, “WOLF SHUT IT AND BOTH OF YOU GUYS STOP YELLING OR I AM JUST GOING TO STAY HERE AND LET THE DARKNESS TAKE ME!”

                They both yelled, “No!”, at the same time then mumbled that they were sorry and then stayed quiet.

                I looked around some more and still didn’t find a way out and I sighed and said softly to both of them, “I sorry you guys but I give up, there is no way out of this place. When or if someone comes and gets me I will try my absolute hardest to get back with you guys. I won’t completely give up on y’all, I promise.”

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