Chapter 14

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                Everyone that was in the building started cheering and clapping their hands and smiled at Shane and me happily, like they were glad that Shane had finally found his true Mate. I am happy to that he found his true Mate because it was me, and all I wanted to do now is to be alone with him and get to know him better.

                Shane grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of people and up a staircase and down a couple of different hallways and into a room.

                The room was mute colored. The walls were painted with a muted gray color, the carpet was a muted red color, and the covers on the bed were black. I’m guessing there isn’t a such thing as a muted black, but if there was I’m sure the covers on the bed would be that color.

                “I know there really isn’t much in here but you can add anything in here since this is now our room”, Shane wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and pulled me into him and kissed me gently on my cheek. I blushed and I heard Shane chuckle and say, “You know Shay, you are so cute when you blush.” That made me blush even more and Shane chuckled more.

                Shane picked me up and carried me towards the bed and I tensed up wondering what Shane was planning to do.

                Shane must have noticed me tensing up because he set me down on the bed and he looked at me with curious eyes as if asking if he could join me on the bed, when I hesitated to answer he nodded at me then sat down on the floor and looked up at me and watched me.

                I looked down at him and smiled and said, “You don’t have to sit on the floor, you can sit up here on the bed next to me… as long as you don’t try anything crazy.” I giggled as I said the last part until I saw Shane smile evilly at me as he got up off of the floor and sat next to me on the bed and I started glaring at him.

                Shane put his arms up by his head and said, “I won’t do anything, I promise. I was only messing with you.”

                I looked at him accusingly and said, “mmhmm, sure.”

                “Believe what you want, but I speak the truth”, Shane said laughing.

                We sat in silence for a few awkward seconds until I asked, “Am I still in a dream type thingamajig? Or am I actually back in my real body?”

                “You are back in your real body. Once you left out of that dark room that you came here in you go back into your real body. But I’m not quite sure on how all of that works so don’t ask many questions about it, like, how did my body go from one place to another? Because I truly don’t know the answers to them.

                “Do you know how when I tried to touch my tattoo on my hand, my other hand went through that one, but when you touched me you didn’t go through me. Do you know the answer to that?” I asked Shane curiously.

                Shane thought for a moment then said, “The only thing I could guess is that, you can’t touch yourself while you are in there but other people can touch you. But I am not a hundred percent sure that is correct or not.”

                I nodded my head and asked, “So… should we get to know each other, since were Mates and all?”

                Shane nodded his head and smiled and asked, “What would you like to know about me?”

                Crap, I’m not good at asking questions… maybe I can just wing it and just get him to ask me questions instead. “Hmm… how about you ask the questions first then I ask questions after you.” I said to him hoping he would say yes.

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