Labor (Requested)

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Word Count: 1,003

Pairing: Father Cody x Mother Reader

Prompt: "Imagine being in labor and also👋👋👋 hi" - zcynie

A/N: Hello Hon! I hope you like this! I haven't read any pregnancy imagines in ages and that's simply because people have stopped writing them. So, I tried my best with the small memory I have of what pregnant women go through.

Also, I'm sorry for not having a picture to go with this imagine like I normally do.


Like any other pregnant woman that slept peacefully most nights, I felt it. The pain shot up my spine and in an instant, my eyes were open at the strong contact. I looked down to my stomach, believing that the baby was kicking again but that time had been a little too hard for my liking. But I was wrong because that warm liquid rushing out between my slightly parted legs.

"Shit." I silently cursed.

I maneuvered my sleeping position so that I was sitting upright. My fingers removed the blanket from my legs as I silently prayed that my water hadn't broke.

Immediately, I turned to Cody and shook him away. "Hon, it's time."

"Mm, no not another craving Y/N." he mumbled into his pillow, turning away from me to face the opposite side.

I wasn't having it. Not tonight. "Cody, wake up!" This time though, I slapped his exposed back.

"Ow woman! What the Hell!" he snapped and sat up. "What is wrong with you?"

"My water broke!" I retaliated. "And what I need right now is for my husband to rush me to the hospital before we have a big mess in this so called bed of ours!"

He was wide awake now. "Your what?"

I pointed towards the closet. "Child. Bag. Car. Now." I ordered.

"Oh my god. It's happening. It's actually happening." he whispered like a mantra as he hopped out of the bed and made his way to the closet. He exited the spacious room with the bag and a black T-shirt to match his plaid pants, eyes the size of a doe in front of oncoming headlights. "Baby, it's happening. We're having the baby."

"I know." I stood up from the bed and shuffled my way to the closet. Another contraction came in. I hunched over a little. "Ouch."

Cody was quick to be by my side, hands on my stomach as he looked at me in concern. "Are you okay?"

"Not really Hon. Just get the car ready so we can leave." I answered. I attempted to make my way towards the closet for a change of clothes but Cody grabbed my hand. "What?"

"Where are you going?" he asked with furrowed brows.

Another contraction. "Okay, ouch. To change?" I answered like it was the most obvious thing at the moment.

"Not in this state you don't." He started pulling me with him towards the bedroom door. "You don't look like you're in much pain right now but God knows what can happen in the middle of you changing. We have to go have this baby now."

"But babe!" I whined, trying plant my feet on the wooden floor. I was dressed in only a nightgown and pink fuzzy socks.

"No. Come on, we're going to the hospital and you're wearing that.


By the time we reached our destination, the pain had worsened. I found myself gripping the sides of the door as Cody's foot was pressed hard on the gas pedal. He tried his very best to put on some soothing music that normally calmed me down during the pregnancy but with me going into labor, calm music was the last thing on my mind.

The nurses rushed me to straight to the delivery room of the hospital while a few stayed back and demanded Cody to wait in the waiting room. I was only down for about fifteen minutes when the real pain began. They had injected pain relief inside of me to prevent me from screaming about the pressure waist down. I felt as if that didn't help me any better.

"Come on ma'am! You're almost there!" one of the nurses encouraged me.

I pushed with all my might, tears springing out of my eyes.

"I see a head!" one of the nurses shouted.

And all I was seeing was red because the pain wouldn't stop. "Oh my God!" I screeched.

Another few minutes of excruciating pain and I was panting heavily. If a mirror were in front of me right now, I would possibly look dazed. Exhaustion covered my whole body, even my mind.

"It's a boy!" one of them yelled happily. "Miss, would you like to hold your child?"

I nodded weakly.


"Look, it's your daddy!" I whispered to the face of my child as Cody walked in.

He took slow steps toward me, like he didn't want to startle the child. "Oh my..." he gasped.

"Yeah. He's a handsome little guy isn't he?" I smiled softly at my husband.

"He is..." Cody took the newborn baby's hand in his large one. "Hey buddy. I'm your dad, Cody. And this beautiful woman holding you is your mom, YN."

The baby yawned, his finger curling in the palm of Cody's. Looking closely at my husband, I could see the waterworks trying to make its way out of his gorgeous eyes. Even in this time of happiness, he wanted to be a man still.

"Have you thought of a name for him yet?" he asked after moments of silence.

"No. But I know that it needs to be something special." I said, gently rocking the child in my arms. "As a mother, I know that he's going to be a little something. Like you were when you came into my life."

"I could say the same thing, babe. You're full of surprises. Even to this day, you still surprise me."

We both gazed at the sleeping glory in my arms. He had long, dark lashes that brushed his pale and smooth skin. His cheeks had a rosy tint to them, lips like Cody's. When they placed him in my arms, I felt the hair on top of his head which happened to feel like silk. Cody told me that my hair felt like silk all the time and that he loved it endlessly.

"Gabriel." I blurted, breaking the silence.

"Gabriel?" Cody repeated.


He nodded, pondering over the name. "It fits. I love it."

Gabriel seemed to love it too because he smiled.



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