Prompt #16

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Word Count: 981

Pairing: Cody x Reader

Prompt: "You couldn't handle me if I came with a user manual." - nanakiwi66


Sometimes, I regretted being Tyler's best friend. He was such a social person compared to me who was as quiet as a mouse when it came to being around just about anybody. But Cody? Oh, I was never quiet around him and that was because I couldn't stand the muscled dude.

He was very cocky, believing that any female would want him like he were the latest brand of shoes. Trust me, I wasn't that one female and he knew it because he pushed my buttons anytime we had to be around one another. He had a numerous amount of nicknames he called me and it was so many, I don't recall him ever calling me the same one twice. Sometimes, he would try to wrap his arm around my shoulders or waist, as if we were dating when we weren't.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm not feeding into his somewhat sweet actions, right? Well, that's because Cody never came off as the serious type. One minute, he was a flirt in my face and the next, he was rubbing his hands up and down another females arm. How embarrassing is that for me? Truly embarrassing.

Right now was the perfect example. Tyler was holding some sort of congratulatory party for one of his guy pals and of course, Cody and I were invited. Anyways, while my best friend was off hosting the party, I was being a Good Samaritan by socializing with those who were like me: quiet and in need of someone who make them comfortable. Cody had come around at some point and slid his arm around my waist. Once I noticed that the person before me was comfortable enough to be on their own, I politely exited with Cody's arm still wrapped around me like the belt on a woman's shirt. We were out of eyesight when I shrugged him off as if he were a parasite.

"What the Hell is wrong with you Christian?" I questioned through gritted teeth. "I told you about doing that! We're not dating!"

"You weren't telling that to Timmy over there." he smirked.

"His name is Taylor and I wasn't saying anything because I wanted him to feel welcome. Scaring him off with my attitude is the last thing Tyler would want at this party." I explained.

"Whatever. If you need me, I'll be over there at the pool table."

Indeed, he was at the pool table. But in the fifteen minutes he had been over there, another girl was wrapped underneath his arm. Her face displayed complete joy that a guy like Cody was giving all of his undivided attention to her. She kept slapping at his chest as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Every minute or so, you could spot his hand moving further down her back, close to her bum.

When I exited the bathroom later on, Cody stood leaned against the wall outside while browsing through his phone. I stopped in my tracks to notice that he was alone, the girl not insight.

I scoffed. "Took a break from being a man whore? That's nice."

He looked up at me with confusion written on his features. "What?"

"The girl. She's not attached to you. Funny." I said before walking away.

I didn't get very far because his voice was speaking up. "If you asked me, I'd say you're jealous."

I stopped in my tracks, spinning on my heels to look at him with phone hopefully an incredulous expression. "Jealous? Me being jealous? Of what?"

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that the girl wasn't you that time." He slowly paced his way to stand in front of me, arms filing across his chest once he was at least three feet away. "After all, you did say that we're not dating."

"So? That doesn't mean I can't look out for the rest of the females that you hypnotize. If that girl were smart, she'd already know that you were all over me earlier and therefore, she wouldn't have been putty in your hands."

"So you're calling her stupid?"

"Pretty much. But I'll look out for her, even if you can't teach stupid."

"Wow. How generous are you. I still think you're jealous."

"I am not jealous!" Like a child, I stomped my foot to make my point known. "Why would I be jealous of someone who can't handle me anyways?"


"You heard me." I crossed my arms. "Obviously, I'm not that girl you were with. I don't get all bubbly and shit when you're with me. If we were dating in the first place, could you handle the fact that I won't be like that with you?"


"Really? Prove it."

For a moment, he stared at me with narrowed eyes. Then in the blink of an eye, his lips were on mine. I was surprised but quickly gave in once I realized how soft his were against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist while my hands moved up to his head, pulling at the ends of his hair. Lightly, his arms squeezed my waist which erupted a moan from my mouth. His lips moved down from my mouth to my jaw line and then my neck, leaving wet pecks all over my suddenly heated skin.

As soon as I let out my second moan, he pulled away from me. I chased his lips, only for his finger to place itself on mine. I looked up at him with a pout.

He smirked down at me. "I find this funny to say but baby, you couldn't handle me if I came with a user manual."

And just like that, he was walking away from me. I was left standing there in shock at what he just did.

Once I figured he was out of earshot, I let out a frustrated curse. "Fuck!"

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