
11.4K 156 34

Word Count: 1,928

Pairing: Friendly Max Carver x Reader, Cocky Cody x Reader

Prompt: The reader attends a party but feels a little ignored until she runs into Cody

A/N: I just want to apologize for the way I wrote Cody in this one. But part of me feels like he would act this way so if you hate me, hate me lol.

During my four years of high school, I never attended parties of any sort. What my friends called "fun" was actually, getting drunk, smoking the weed that the school pothead provided, and the cops showing up at some point for a noise complaint. Part of me was upset that I never had any fun as a high schooler with them but then the other part was glad I never went to parties with them. After all, my parents were strict and me being caught at a party was my way of asking to die right on the spot.

I was a college student now and I made a vow as soon as my parents exited my dorm room to have as much fun as I wanted. They weren't with me anymore and they even made it known that I was an adult now.

"I'm glad that you're not one of those nun roommates." Meredith said. In the time that I had arrived on this campus a couple of years ago, she had become a great friend and roommate.

"Nun roommates? What the heck is that?" I chuckled as I fastened my pants.

"You know, the ones that don't go out. All they ever do is study. Never go out to have fun." she answered, applying her lipstick.

"Well, I try not to be one. They say to just study but I like to do a little bit of both."

She pumped her fist in the air. "That's the spirit! Someone's going places."

"Tell me about it. Now what's this party that we're going to?"

She turned around to look at me once finished. Low key, I envied how pretty she looked compared to me. While she wore the high waist shorts and a white corset crop top that looked great against her pale skin, I went for the mid rise skinny jeans and a pink off the should top. I felt plain while Meredith looked like a goddess.

"It's the Just Jared Summer Bash!" she exclaimed. "You know, that website that gives you all of the latest news on young celebrities like Tyga, Tyler Posey, all of them."

"And you got into this how?" I folded my arms across my chest. Now that I knew of our whereabouts, I seemed suspicious of Meredith's invite to the party. She had her mischievous moments that normally got us into trouble but he damsel in distress acting always seemed to get us out.

"That doesn't matter! What matters is that we," she pointed between us both, "get to meet some celebrities today! Who knows, one of them might want to hook up with us!"

After a brief moment of staring at her, I gave in. "Fine. But like always, if something happens, you're getting us out." I pointed a finger at her in a warning.

"I never break my promises!" she chirped before grasping my wrist and whisking us out of the door.


My stomach dropped once we entered the bash. Left and right, there were celebrities who chatted among one another. When you looked at them, they looked as if they belonged here. Me? I felt like a nobody compared to them. The way they dressed, their makeup, the way they talked made me feel completely nervous.

Meredith fit right in with them. Her angelic features and Tumblr girl outfit would have you mistaken her for a celebrity herself instead of a college student. I watched her as she made her way up to a handsome male with a cute smile that revealed pearly whites when Meredith acknowledged her presence.

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