Look What The Dog Dragged In

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The alarm was going off. Today is the day that we move into our dorms. I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. The echo of sleep still crept across my eyes. I reached out to the side lamp and switched it on. I looked over at the other bed and smiled. Shikamaru. I thought quietly to myself. He must have gotten home after I went to bed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stood up and stretched my arms over my head and let out a groan. Shikamaru shifted in his bed. He rolled over and looked at me. He noticed the light was on and knew it was time to get up. We had everything packed and ready to go the night before with the days cloths laid down on top. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I switched on the light and looked in the mirror. Ahh I screamed in my head as I looked at the massive bed head I had going on. It took me a about five minutes to brush out the knots before I could even get into the shower. I was in the bathroom for over an hour when I heard a knock on the door.

"Shikamara are you done yet?" a lazy question left his lips. I shut off the water and wrapped up in the towel. I wrapped my long blonde hair up in a towel and looked at my phone. 10:30. Crap! I opened the door and saw an annoyed Shikamaru waiting with a towel.         

"Sorry!" I exclaimed as I passed and headed back the room. I slipped on my high waisted shorts and muscle shirt. The slit was down to the hem. I wore a strapless, tight shirt that came down just under my bust. I brushed my long blonde hair and tied it up in lazy bun. The door cracked open and I looked to see my brother. He was dressed in a black tank top with a gray unbuttoned, button down shirt. His hair was also wrapped in a loose bun.

"You ready?" Shikamaru asked waiting in the door way of our childhood room. I signed and looked around at all that was once important in my life. I walked to the door way where my brother and I both took a deep breath and exhaled at the same time. Yet they meant two different things.

The but ride took about two hours from our house to the campus. We arrived at an entry way that read 'The University of Konaha' with giant gates that held wide open. This is it. I breathed in my anxieties and gripped my bag tighter. Shikamaru must have noticed because he placed his hand over mine and gave it light squeeze. I placed my right hand over top of his and have him a shy smile. My brother always new how to make me feel better.

We stepped off the bus and walked to the registration booth labeled 'L-O'. We grabbed our schedules we had created while we were on our trips, dorm room information, keys, maps and other helpful information.

"Here I'll walk you to your room." Shikamaru said as we exited the booth.        

"I got this, Shikamaru, you don't have to baby me anymore." I smiled at him. 

"I mine as well walk you, our rooms are right next to each other." He said as I looked at out papers. Thats weird. We walked in what seemed like silence to the dorm building. We arrived at our hallway that seemed to be packed with all the new students. We gave some hellos as we passed people that we used to talk to in high school. 305. I put the key into the lock and turned the handle. I looked off to my right and to Shikamaru doing the same. Well at least he's not too far away. I opened the door and entered the room that I would spends the next four years.

"Shikamara! no way!" a loud voice came ringing into my ears. It was a voice I had missed for way too long.

"Tenten! I can't believe it!" I dropped my bags and ran to her. We hugged for what seemed like forever. We parted and looked at each other. "This makes me feel so much better about college." 

"There is party the Lee is throwing in his dorm for all the new students. I know how much you like to party!" Tenten said with a spark in her eye. It had been a while since we had partied together. I looked at her face and there was no way I could have said no.         

A Love For The Dogs [Modern Kiba Inuzuka love story.]Where stories live. Discover now