The Begining

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 I sat on the tub holding the cloth over Kiba's nose taking is off occasionally to check on the bleeding.

"Did you break it?" He asked. He turned his eye to me and I could see the smile in his eyes.

"If I did that's pay back for breaking my wrist" I gave him a smirk and lifted up the cloth. "The bleeding has stopped." I stood up and walked to the sink and rinsed out the bloody rag. Kiba grabbed his nose and wiggled it around. 

"What were you doing on the desk anyway?" He asked  leaning back against the back of the toilet. 

"It's the only place in this room I can see the stars. I needed to think." I looked over slightly and then turned the water off giving the wash cloth one last ring out. 

"What's with you Nara's and the sky?" I couldn't tell if he was messing with me or not. I didn't know if he actually cared or if he was annoyed I busted his nose with my leisure activity.

"What's with you Inuzukas and your dogs?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I sat back down on the tub. The Inuzukas were known for having way more than enough dogs in thier estate. 

"At least our dogs keep us company. We have fun with them. Staring at the sky is so boring." He huffed through a smirk. 

"I don't think it's boring. I find it relaxing. It gives me time to think and not worry about what is going on around me. I find peace in it. And that's what I need right now." I looked down and started tracing circles on my leg. I still felt the pain of the betrayal from Sasuke. It has only been a day but it feels like a life time of pain. 

"Hey don't cry, Shikamara" I reached my hand up and touched my cheek. I felt the wet tear on my finger tips and pulled my hand ways to look at it. 

"I didn't even notice." I let out a nervous chuckle and wiped my few tears away with the sleeve of my sweater. "I'm going to head to bed now. I don't feel well." I stood up and walked out of the bathroom before Kiba could say another word. 

It played over and over again in my head. The two of them rolling around in the sheet as I couldn't move forced to watch their bodies become one. "This is what happens when you don't put out."The dream Sakura said as she scratched Sasukes back and let out a moan. "I never loved you. This is what I wanted the whole time. This was never going to last unless you gave me what I wanted." The dream Sasuke said with a laugh as he went back to dream Sakura. "You would have never been good enough. You were worthless to begin with. I don't even know why I wanted my time with you." Dream Sasuke was alone now. He was in my face berating me and letting me know what I was pathetic and how angry he was that I had let Kiba see me naked but not my own boyfriend. I grabbed my head in my hands and grabbed at my hair screaming to make it stop. I was screaming and tears were pouring down my face. I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like I was dying. Suddenly the place felt darker and the spaces started closing in around me.

My eyes shot open and I was staring at the ceiling. I could feel my body shaking and my cheeks were stiff with dried tears. I sat up and brought my knees up to my chest. And tried to control my breathing. I wiped my face and looked at the clock. 1:30. I signed and got up and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water to the tub and got in. I sat in the hot water and tried to calm my body and my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream I had. Was I pathetic? Do I even matter? I was in the bath water for about an hour until the water got cold. I dried my hair and walked out of the bathroom with the towel loosely wrapped around me. Kiba was sleeping so I didn't mind. I grabbed some under wear and a big shirt. 

I climbed on the desk again and rested my head again the windowsill and just stared out the window. I didn't feel like fighting the feelings anymore so I let the tears pour down my face. I kept my focus on the stars outside my window. 

"It's three in the morning what are you doing awake?" I heard Kiba mumble still half asleep. 

"I couldn't sleep." I said without taking my eyes off the window. I sniffed and wiped my cheek trying to disguise the fact that I felt broken. 

"I'm awake now." Kiba grumbled and sat up. He saw me sitting on the desk again and looked over concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked placing a hand on the desk in front of me trying to steady himself as he stood up. I saw sitting on the desk facing his bed with my gaze held strong out the window. I still let the tears pour freely down my face. "what's going on?" He asked hopping onto the already unstable desk.

"You're going to break it?" I said in a monotone way. I looked at him as he slide his back against the window and looked out the window trying to see the joy in my idea of fun. "Am I pathetic?" I finally said still not looking away.

"Why do you ask?" Kiba asked trying to keep his gaze out the window. 

"Dream Sasuke said I was pathetic and no one really cares about me." I said finally taking my eyes off the night sky and looking at Kiba. The moonlight hit him in again and lit up his face while causing shadows at the same time. It really was a beautiful sight.

"Is this because you found Sasuke with Sakura?" He asked? I knew it wasn't a secret anymore and everyone knew by noon the next day. Kiba looked at me and my face looked like his in the moonlight.

"Maybe." I tried to keep it together but talking about it made it feel real. I could feel it all over again and I cried. I couldn't move. I felt a hand on my head and then I was being pulled toward Kiba. He has my head on his chest and his chin rested on my head. He had his right arm wrapped around my shoulders and his left on still placed on my head. 

Kiba held my tighter the harder I cried. He didn't say much. There was really nothing to say. I started to slow my crying after awhile and just let him hold me. I felt him loosen his hold on me I felt both of his hands on my face now. He pulled my face to look at him. My eyes were blood shot and he could see the sadness showing through my eyes. 

"Shikamara," he said. Making sure that I was listening to him. He took his thumbs and wiped away the residue of tears. "You are not pathetic. You did not deserve anything that happened to you. He never deserved you." He searched my eyes for understanding. "You are beautiful and you'd don't need him or anyone else to tell you that you are worth something." I reached my hands up and grab his that were still on my face as the tears still flowed.

"You were right..You were right..about him. And I didn't listen and not look at me." I struggled to get out. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I treated you so badly. I'm so sorry that I let him get to me. I'm sorry that you have listen to me whine." I slowly pulled his hands off my face and turned to get off the desk. I was standing in just a shirt and underwear staring at he the only boy other than my brother to honestly give a damn. I didn't know what to do or how to react. I can't like Kiba. I couldn't do that to him. He deserves better. I am no good I am pathetic and worthless. As I am thinking about Kiba and how much I hated myself for likening him again I gripped the ends of my short and held on tight. I clenched the shirt with all my might. 

Kiba made his way off the desk and wrapped his arms around me. He held me tight.

"It's okay. I am here for you if you still need to cry. I'll always be there for you. Always." He resting his cheek on the top of my head. 

My stomach started to feel heavy yet felt like it was lifting up and flipping. My heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't breath. I didn't understand this feeling. I shivered as so many things were running through my mind.

Why am I feeling like this? I can't breathe. I think I love Kiba. 

I turned around still in his grip and wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. I took in his aroma. He constant smell of dog, he's shampoo he tries to hide it with. I nuzzled my nose into his neck and breathed him in. I could feel his right hand move up to head as he still held me. It never wanted him to let go of me. I wanted to stay with him holding me forever. Right here in this moment I felt safe. I felt like the world was standing still and nothing else in the world mattered. An in this moment, Sasuke didn't matter.

"Shikamara?" He said in almost a whisper. I reluctantly looked up at him. His face was inches from mine. I could feel my face getting red and my nerves kicking in. His eyes kept motioning to my lips. He place a hand on my neck and jawline. I took a breath and slowly fills in the gap that separated us. His lips were soft. I placed my hand on the back of his head and made my way to his neck. I rested my hands there to let him know it was okay to continue. Our lips moved as though they were always meant to dance together.

A Love For The Dogs [Modern Kiba Inuzuka love story.]Where stories live. Discover now