Chapter 10

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~Hazel Lynn Maddox~

The old clock that sits in a corner chimes twelve times, indicating midnight. I stop moving, knowing my wolf is going to appear any moment now. Felix brushes some hair out of my face and gives me an encouraging smile. Many of the other wolves, give us all bows as they back out of the room to give privacy. 

"Are you ready?" Felix tugs on the strand of hair he originally pushed out of my face. My eyes narrow at his actions, but he just smiles. 

"Happens now?" 

Felix looks around the room, I follow his gaze. My birth parents walk out of the room as well. Alex turns to look at me with a bit of a nervous look. For some reason, I step toward him and take his hand in mine. One of reassurance. 

"Honestly?" Felix steps away. "It is painful. Essentially, you and your wolf are fighting over the space in your head. She or he, may try to challenge you or they may easily submit to you." He takes one more step back. "Either way, just remember who you are and bear through the pain. It is over a lot quicker than you would expect." 

"Painful?" The word is barely out of my mouth when Alex collapses on the ground grunting in pain. 

Alex's jaw is clenched shut. His muscles under his jacket begin to morph around as they try to align for his new form. His face shifts between his nose and mouth forming a snout to back to his face. Eventually he begins to scream, unable to hold back the pain any longer. Black fur begins to sprout over his body. 

"Hazel." A female voice enters my head. My head whips around, looking around the room for the voice. "I am Athena. I am the wolf that will be with you for the rest of our lives. I do not wish to challenge you like that young man mentioned." 

"Athena." My voice is a whisper. 

"I apologize." 


A scream bubbles up out of my chest as pain shoots through every fiber of my being. I can feel my bones cracking and then snapping back into place. Through my eyes, I can see my vision shift through my normal eyesight to one of a wolf's. Everything looks clearer than my normal sight. 

The wave of pain I felt, dissipates long enough for me to see my brother with a wolf face, and legs. His back snaps with an echo in the room. A tail sprouts out and Alex sits down in his wolf form and lets out a howl. A scream escapes catching his attention. 

Alex's head snaps toward me and the next thing that I know, my screams turn into howls. The pain slowly fades through my body. As the pain leaves, smells enter through my sensitive nose. One of a pine forest and leaves enter my sinuses. Athena sniffs in the direction the scent comes from, opening my eyes, she is staring directly at Felix. 

"Our mate, Hazel." She calmly brushes up against him and lets out a low growl in what I can assume is her attempt at purring like a cat. 

Felix brings his hand down on top of my head and gently runs his fingers through my fur with a shocked look on his face. "White." He whispers the words but with Athena's hearing, I catch them. The door clicks open, catching my attention as my birth parents walk through. 

My mother's gasps in shock when she sees her twins. One black with white eyes, and one white with black eyes. Athena sits and wraps her tail around the front of her body. 

"The path ahead of us is going to be a long and hard one, Hazel." Athena watches my parents check out Alex. "Twins are not normal to be born to wolves or a full-blooded female alpha. That is why I was sent to you. Please give me every ounce of trust you have, and I will help you with whatever you desire." 

"Hazel." My father stands before me. "You look beautiful." My mother comes to stand next to him. "Go for a run. Enjoy the fresh air as it blows through your fur." 

Athena looks at Felix and stays rooted to her spot. Felix chuckles at Athena's response. "Go for a run with your brother. I am not going anywhere. We have the rest of our lives to run with each other." 

"The moon goddess truly did bless you, Hazel." Athena trots out of the room, following behind Alex.

"Do you truly believe that?" 

"Of course." Athena laughs at my response. "You are loved." 

She says no more as she takes off into a run. The wind whips through our fur, scents come from every direction, almost overwhelming me. My ears twitch as I hear squirrels scamper around the trees. Whatever birds were nearby this late at night, take flight and squawk in annoyance. Athena expertly dodges anything in our path. My mind begins to settle and let loose as I begin to enjoy the freedom that I now have. 

"I will become stronger." I smile at the words. 


A blush begins to form, "and Felix is truly my mate." 



Here is an update! It is a shorter one, but I figured that I should get one out there for all of my lovelys patiently waiting to read more. 

I am sure there are more mistakes but that is alright. I am sure I will end up reading it and fix them at some point. 

I will try to upload more on Sunday the 6th. Please hang around until then!



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