Prologue/Chapter 1

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I walk in the door of my home to find my best friend and my husband together. I scream and run to the kitchen. I grab the steak knife. The blade of the knife feels cold in my hand as it starts to spin. I should have saw this coming as I run back in the bedroom she is trying to grab her clothes. As I run in the bedroom with the knife I stop and ask them why?

Chapter 1

Three months earlier

My husband, of 10 years, Kyle, has just returned from his trip to Hawaii with his Firm here in Kansas. While Kyle has been away having fun in Hawaii, I have been struggling to pay our mortgage. I have been working double shifts at the local hospital with my best friend Samantha. Samantha, Kyle and I have all been friends since Samantha and I first met at Odell high school. I also met Kyle, where we were the golden couple, prom King and Queen, and he was the captain of the football team and I was the captain of the softball team.

I met Samantha playing a rival school. Samantha is about 5'7, with long dark brown hair, with bright green eyes that make you want to lay in a field freshly cut grass. I was pitching a no hit game and Samantha comes up to bat it's the last inning of the game, she already has two strikes and I pitched the fastest curve ball that I got and she hits it, doesn't just hit it she hits a home run right over center field. I knew in that moment that I was going to be friends with this girl, just my luck the following year she was transferred to Odell high school. We have been best friends since that first day she transferred to Odell high school.

It just so happened that during that beginning of my senior year I met Kyle. Kyle and I first met when I was playing the first game of my travel ball season. We where having a home field tournament. I am doing my pitching warm ups when I look in the stands for my father when I see this guy staring at me with a longing in his eyes, it's in that moment that I notice that I know this young man it's nothing other then Kyle Gobelin the most popular guy in school. We ended up winning the tournament with first place. After the tournament I went to find Kyle the same Kyle that had blown me off two years before, and I want to know why he was staring at me with such destinkihson. Kyle is 6'5 and has black hair that runs right pass his ears. His eyes are blue with yellow flacks in them, that made you want to swim in that ocean for long periods of time. Kyle and I have been going to school together since the second grade, but something has changed there is a connection that wasn't there before, it's gravity on steroids and everything in the middle. What ever is happening to us I hope it latest forever.

After about two weeks talking and getting to know each other we started dating. Six months later Odell high school was in the past and we where talking about colleges and it ended up that we where going to go to different schools, I was going to medical school at the University of Oregon and he was on his way to a full ride at the the University of Kansas. I ended up leaving the University of Oregon to be with him in Kansas after he throw out his shoulder. We stayed together the whole time that he was in rehab and they told him that he couldn't play any more because he had damaged the rotator cuff, the clavicle and every muscle in the shoulder. Kyle had to give up his dreams of going pro when he got the news and figured that he is going to need a good profession to the support the both of us and he choose to go to law school. Six weeks after the news that he would be going to law school, I am asked to head to the top of my apartment building. Kyle is there at a table for two and has arranged for dinner to be served up on the roof. We are just about to finish desert when Kyle brings up the fact that we have been together for a long time and that he feels a connection that has grown to something more then love, it has grown to me being his universe and light, and what makes his life possible and that without me he would never have been able to deal with being told to give up on trying to go pro, And that he wants everyday to be a new experience with me and that he wants to marry me. After that proposal how could I have not said yes.


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