Chapter 6

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Scarlett POV

After my talk with Samantha I head to work do my rounds and head home excited for maybe another great night.

When I arrive home Kyle isn't there but there is a note on the kitchen table

Hey sugar mama, I am out for work they called me in a little after you left. I will be home late so ear with out me. See you when I get home. Love you- Papi

Wait did he just use the nickname that I gave him in Spain so I am guessing that we are going back to revisit that room with so many great great memories.

So I finish eating my dinner and grab my laptop and head to the bedroom too look at plane tickets for Spain. I found a set of tickets that would leave next Thursday so that gave us at least a four day trip if Kyle would like to say longer then that's fine with me the longer the anniversary the better.

I was laying in the bed and next thing I know it's 12 pm and I am under the covers cuddling my pillow and Kyle is next to me sleeping. I stop cuddling my pillow and move closer to Kyle and cuddle him. As I am reaching my hand around his stomach I notice a strong smell of perfume. I am wondering where it's coming from because I don't know that smell I don't even own perfume. I have a feeling that I smelled it before. As I am wondering what that smell is Kyle turns over and cuddles me facing him and pulls me toward his body. I am cuddling him back thinking that I have to be over thinking the smell and go back to sleep.


Kyle POV

I was heading to the shower to get ready to get food for the house. I head my phone ringing on my nightstand so I get a towel rap it around myself and head to the nightstand I look at the caller ID it's Samantha I wonder why she is calling me. I answer.

"Hey Kyle, I need your help with moving some furniture around."

"Yay, sure I have to go shopping and head over to my work to check on my next case but yes I can defiantly help you out after."

"Thanks see you when you get here. Do you want to eat dinner over here as we'll or not?"

"Yes, that would be just great, just let me leave a note for scarlet letting her know why I won't be home until late."

"Ok, thanks. bye."


So I write the note for Scarlett and head to the store finish shopping, head home to drop off the food. After I drop off the food I head to work to get the files on the next case that I have. And call my client and talk to him.

I am finishing my call and start packing up to leave. I am done and head to my car to leave to the Samantha's house. I get to her house and go inside she is there with a couch half turned and her tv unplugged. I walk over we exchange are hellos and got to work. We finish moving the furniture after we are done we ate dinner and she says thanks and that me and Scarlett should come over soon to hang out.

I walk towards the door and I turn around to hug her. I hug her but as I am about to let go when I see that she isn't going to. She just hugs me tighter. She hasn't done this since we dated I guess if have sex everyone once in a while counts as having a relationship, then yes that's what we had. She finally lets go

"Thanks for dinner again Samantha. It was very delicious."

"Your welcome Kyle anytime. See you soon."

I walk to my car and start driving wondering what the fuck just happened and why Samantha was all over me like that.


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