Chapter 3

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Kyle's POV

When I first met Scarlett I wasn't expecting the relationship to last but once I got to know her I saw that she was everything that I have ever wanted in a women. She is shorter than me her being 5"4 and me being 6"5, she has long brown hair, with the most amazing blue eyes, her eyes are the stars that shine bright at night and the ocean on a foggy day. The best part about Scarlett is that she is the shyest little thing in the world.

I have been in love with Scarlett since the first day that I met her. She has always been that shy, smart girl that hides from the spot light. I know that once I broke things off with Samantha that me and her could be together at last. I was with Samantha for sex and nothing more. Are whole relationship started when I met her at a game that Scarlett didn't know that I went to. I was walking around when this girl walks up to me and introduces herself

"Hi, I am Samantha. And I couldn't help but notice you noticing me."

"Hey, yeah my bad I was looking at the girl over there (points to Scarlett who is on the field) I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression."

"No, I am pretty sure that you where looking at me. You where giving me that, hey girl you mighty fine look. "

"I am very sorry if I came off that way, I was just watching a friend play so....."

"Friend play softball you mean, sure you where watching to game more like checking her out. Wow should have guessed that you would be interested in that schools team slut."

"I never said that I was interested in her, or that I was checking her out. Can we please stop taking about her. I want to know why you are so interested in her anyways. Do you go to my school."

"You go to Odell high right?( he nods) I will be attending Odell next year. Can I get your number? I feel like we should be friends. I could give you tips on how to date a softball player. (winks at him)"

"I don't think that's a great idea I don't really know you that well enough. And I don't want to lead you on or anything like that."

"I hope that you understand that I don't think you could lead me on because I( she walks closer to him almost to the point that she is touching him) think that we could be great friends( winks at him and touches his shoulder playfully) and maybe more. ( grabs a napkin and writes her number on it and hands it too him) Call me any time you get lonely(winks than leaves)."


After Samantha leaves I am standing there wondering why am I waiting for on girl to start noticing me when I have this girl already to go with me. Maybe I will give Samantha a call soon.


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