When You've Had a Little Too Much... (John Deacon)

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A/N... So I got this story idea when I heard that John got so drunk one time that he didn't recognize a queen song on the radio, and he asked someone what band was playing. I laughed so hard at that! I don't know what song it was exactly so, I just chose one of my liking, since this story is based on that incident. I wrote this purely for fun and entertainment... Enjoy!

Fun it.


Montreal. November, 1981.

You looked around the pub's walls frantically in search for a clock. Alas, you couldn't seem to find one.

"Excuse me sir," you began, looking at the bar tender behind the counter in front of where you sat.

"Yes?" He blatantly replied.

"Do you have the time?"

He responded by pointing behind you and across the room to a juke box. For a second you were confused but, you then realized there was in fact a clock above it, resting on the wall.

"Shoot." You whispered to yourself. The clock read 12:02 a.m. Your friend, (f/n) was suppose to meet you here at 11:30 after her work shift ended.

'So much for a fun night clubbing with my friend.' You thought. (F/n) is never late. She's probably stuck at work.

You sat at the deserted bar, dressed up for a special night. A special night that was about to be canceled. You sat up and trekked across the bar to the phone in the corner of the room next to an old worn pool table. You reached for the phone and dialed your friend's work place. After a few rings your friend picked up.

"Hello this is Jupiter Records Store, how may I assist you?"

"(F/n) it's me"

"Oh hey (y/n), sorry I'm stuck at work, my boss is making everyone stay, it's a special night he says."

The sarcasm in her voice when she mocked her boss made you giggle.

"Everyone is raiding the store, trying to get their hands on our new shipment of Queen's Greatest Hits records." She said in a bored tone.

"Yeah the craze is huge, especially seeing how they are in town tonight performing." You said.

"Yeah, a lot of my co-workers took the night off to see them, lucky bastards. I'm pretty sure the concert will be over soon or something. Traffic is going to be immense!"

"I know right. I'm surprised this bar is empty right now, the stadium is only a few miles away." You replied. "Well anyway," you continued, "We can reschedule for another night don't worry about it."

"Okay thanks so much (y/n), glad you understand, see you soon. Call my house later."

"Okay, bye (f/n)"

You smiled and hung up the phone. You turned around and the bar was still empty, except for the bar tender, who was cleaning some Guinness glasses. You didn't want to leave just yet so instead, you turned to the juke box. You had queen on your mind after that phone call with your friend so you decided to play one of your favorites by them, 'Misfire.' Just as you were about to play the classic track, you heard the pub's door swing open. You turned quickly to see who was there.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." You thought to yourself.

A figure that was tall and lean graced its way inside. Baby blue colored shirt underneath a leather jacket. Jeans and tennis shoes. A cute fluffy hairstyle beautiful smile

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