The Morning After...(Roger Taylor Fluff)

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So this fairly large fluff one-shot, (I guess it'd be fair to call it a short story rather) is dedicated to, @death-on-two-legs, who has been so sweet to me lately. I'm glad to be publishing a Roger story! YES, I do take requests so please request. I will be uploading this as often as I can, and I think pretty soon I will be starting a book. Thanks for reading! Everything I write will be (for the most part, as far as settings, tours and dates) will be historically accurate.

Fun it.



November 21, 1974
London, England

The last few nights have been hectic for you. You've been working tirelessly to aid your boyfriend and his band, Queen, as they embarked on their European tour to promote their upcoming album, 'Sheer Heart Attack.' Queen had splashed out on a new lighting rig and had added new pyrotechnics to their shows, which you were in charge of overseeing. No, you weren't getting paid or anything, you just had promised your boyfriend Roger Taylor or, the drummer of the band, you'd help out a little bit. Needless to say, shows got a little crazy. Sometimes you had to resort to leaving the audience to watch your boyfriend play because the girls in the audience were overwhelming. They clawed and jumped and did everything they could to reach the stage. The band's popularity was growing, which was a bit overwhelming for you and your relationship with Roger, but none the less, you were very happy for him and his band. They've worked so hard in the past and it's finally starting to pay off.

Last night, thankfully, was the last tour date for the band. The show took place at the Rainbow Theatre in London. For the most part, the performance was smooth and you couldn't have been happier. But, things changed later on in the day.

That night, 'An end of tour party' was scheduled for the band and was held at the Holiday Inn in London's Swiss Cottage. The party was crazy. You knew virtually nobody there. Every time you tried to strike a conversation with someone, they left you to go dance, or have a drink. Brain and John were having their own fun together at the bar, just starting small talk with some women and having a laugh but, Roger and Freddie on the other hand, we're having a blast. You'd never seen your boyfriend drink so much damn vodka in your life. He left you to dance at the start of the party, and he never came back to you, after countless promises saying he would.

You were furious. You stammered to the dance floor that night and found Roger, drunk out of his mind dancing with other women. You confronted him in a calm tone and told him you were leaving. He slurred and begged for you to stay but, you refused to budge. You pulled Roger to a corner of the room where it was somewhat quiet and told him, you were tired, alone and stressed out. Not to mention you had a splitting headache. Roger seemed completely un phased and it was obvious that none of what you explained had gotten to his head. So you said goodbye and turned to leave. You desperately wanted to get home to your London flat. As you headed toward the door, so ready to leave this mess of a party, Roger grabbed your arm. In a blur he told you that he wanted to go home with you and that he too had partied too much for one night. Roger was never ready to stop partying, so what he said was un true, but you took him to your flat anyways.

It wasn't too much of a struggle getting him from point A to point B like it usually was. He was almost fully cooperative. Although, during the car ride he wouldn't stop giggling and kissing your neck, which distracted you a tiny bit. At home finally, you pulled him into your flat, and threw him into your bed, which you shared most of the time.

And that was it, you both went to sleep with your clothes on as he held you. He kept whispering nonsensical nothings into your ear, which is what usually happens during drunk nights, but eventually you both drifted off.

Now, here you are, recollecting your thoughts from the previous night as you lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling, Roger still holding you from the side, asleep.

You didn't have too much to drink the night before but, you still had a splitting headache. You didn't even want to begin to imagine the headache Rog would have when he woke up. So, you began to move ever so slightly out of bed, careful not to wake your boyfriend. You decided that you were going to head to the kitchen to make some tea and fetch some pills. Just as you are ready to step out of bed you heard a moan. And a painful sounding one.

"Jesus," Roger said, with a slight crack in his voice. "(Y/n)?" He called for you with his eyes still shut, not wanting to see the blinding light shining through your window.

You sat back in your bed next to your boyfriend and stroked his hair as you whispered, "I'm right here baby."

Roger opened his blue eyes the slightest bit to see you, but he quickly retorted after realizing how bright the room was.

"I'm going to fetch some tea and medicine." You whispered as you left for the kitchen.

Upon returning with a tray for your boyfriend, you found him sitting up in your bed, staring at the ground with a sad look on his face. His white shirt was wrinkled and his blonde hair matted. He looked so beautiful in the day light. You glanced at the clock on your wall which read 12:32 p.m. and you made your way back to Roger. Upon seeing you his face lit up and he smiled. You rested the tray on the side table next to your bedside and sat next to him. Without a word he pulled you in for a passionate long good morning kiss, which surprised you. Normally at this time he was in a grumpy mood. You kissed back almost immediately and he left your mouth to kiss your cheek and forehead.

In between kisses he moaned, "I'm so sorry for last night." As he trailed down your neck. This surprised you because he never usually acknowledges the night before when he is hung over.

You pulled him away from you and grabbed his hands. You moved toward his face and just centimeters away, you whispered, "Well I don't know if I should accept your apology, Rog." You teased. You smirked and clicked your tongue. Roger grabbed your face and stroked your cheek as he giggled. You reached in to kiss him once more and just before your lips touched, he grabbed you by your chest and rolled you over, pulling you on top of him.

Sitting on top of his waist, you moved in toward his face yet again to sneak a kiss in, and right as your lips were about to touch again, he giggled and held a finger to your mouth.

"Nope, I'm sorry miss (y/n) but I just can't accept kisses from someone who won't accept my apologies." He teased. You smirked and kissed his finger held up to your lips.

"Oh really?" You retorted and smiled. "Well I guess I'm just going to leave than." You hopped off of his torso and leaped off of your bed.

"Like hell you are!" Roger laughed as he grabbed your torso and started to tickle you. You hated the fact that you were ticklish, it was your weakness and a way Roger could attack you at any given moment.

You began to laugh uncontrollably as he tickled you and hugged you on the bed. He started to kiss you and he wouldn't let you move as he pinned you down. You couldn't take it anymore and the only way you knew to stop him was to grab his weak spot. As he hovered above you, laughing and smiling, you grabbed his thigh signaling to him you wanted to take things to the next level. He smirked and stopped the tickling to kiss you passionately. When you pulled away from him you leaped off of the bed and ran to the door of your bedroom, laughing hysterically. He looked confused but after realizing you only groped him so he would stop tickling you, he ran toward you for more.

He lifted you up and carried you to the bed, and placed you down. Rather than continuing the romantic antics, he just kissed your nose and laid beside you.

After a moment of silence he spoke up, "I really love you (y/n), I love you a lot." You rolled over to him and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." You said. He pulled you closer to his chest and you cuddled, for the rest of the morning.

'(Y/n) Taylor,' you thought as you drifted toward sleep, smiling, snuggled close to your boyfriends chest.



Quick refresher:

(Y/n) - your name
(F/n) - friend's name
(H/l) - hair length
(H/c) - hair color
(E/c) - eye color

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