rocky - insecure.

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okay, its 1:36 am and my musical inspiration has arrived; 365 fresh by triple h. I started this draft last year and it has just been sitting there for the longest so I'm here to bring it back to life.

Have fun reading !!!!!! 


You applied the last bit of sun screen on your face and rubbbed it around evenly to make sure you didn't miss a spot. Your face usually turns really red when you're in the sun for too long so the sun screen was a must whenever you had a trip to the beach or just had to be outside for a long time.

You grabbed your bag that was resting on the bed and made sure that you had everything you needed before you headed down stairs where the rest of your friends were waiting.

The scenery that greeted you as soon as you were down the stairs almost made you want to run back upstairs and forget about the whole trip if it wasn't for your friend Eunwoo who had already cooked a great breakfast for everyone and you couldn't just say no to that.

Jinjin and Mj were wrestling eachother on the living room floor for the tv control while Sanha stood to the side filming them. You rolled your eyes at the men who seemed to have the brains of 5 year olds and quickly walked to the dining room where the smell seemed most inviting.

"Where's Rocky?" You asked Moonbin who was helping cool the food and was now setting the table. He didn't seem to hear you seeing as he was really concentrated on making the perfect smiley face on the pancakes he helped make. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief and decided to go look for Rocky on your own but not before you managed to steal a few pieces of bacon to which Eunwoo scolded you for.

"Hey Sanha, have you seen Rocky?" you ask the young one as he still filmed. He looked up from his phone screen and responded, "Uh...I think he's in the restroom."  You thanked him and ran up the stairs to the restroom you know he always went to when he came over.

To be honest, the only reason you wanted to see him was because you made up your mind last night on telling him how you really felt about him.

Every time he was near you, you felt like you were suffocating and your heart would beat so fast you would think it jumped out your chest.

Without having any regrets in your mind you navigated through the upstairs area until you reached the bathroom door and knocked hesitantly.

You didn't hear anything at first but then you heard sniffling and a weak voice calling out, "I'm in here. Use the one downstairs." You hear more sniffling and knew something was wrong.

"Rocky are you okay?"

"Y/N is that you?" He asked.

You've known Rocky enough to know what his crying voice sounded like, and this was it 

"'s me. Can you open the door for me?" It was silent for a while before the door opened slightly and you pushed it enough to see Rocky sitting on the floor with red eyes and many pieces of tissue around him.

Your face instantly fell and you crouched down to sit next to him and closed the door.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothi-"

"It must be something if you're crying Rocky. You know that you can tell me anything."

He looked at you with sad eyes and a frown and you could feel the sadness radiating off of him.

It made you sad.

He hesitated before saying, "It's just, we're going to the beach and during times like this I just get really insecure."

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion because you didn't understand how someone as attractive as Rocky couldn't see that he was clearly beautiful.

Before you could say anything to contradict him he started talking again.

"My thights are abnormally huge. You can't even deny it. It's weird to have thighs this muscular. Don't even get me started on how weird my face is shaped. It goes at a weird ang-" Before he could finish what he was trying to say, you leaned in a hugged him, cutting him from his train of thoughts.

"Rocky. You're an amazing person with an even greater personality. You make the people around you laugh and the kindness in your heart is what makes you who you are along with those traits you call weird. They're what make you human and beautiful. Don't ever think you're anything but that."

At this point you were crying. Seeing someone who was constantly happy break down because of his insecurities really saddened you because you knew he was perfect the way he was.

He sniffled and started caressing your hair.

You both stayed there for the longest without saying a single word, a mutual silence in the air.

"I'm sorry for making you cry." Rocky said as you both pulled away from the hug.

"It's fine. I just want you to know that you're perfect. Don't forget that."

He smiled at you and hugged you again. This time more intimately.

"We should get downstairs before they start to realize we're gone." You say and you both stand up and start getting out the restroom.

Rocky laughed lightly and said, "We could be gone for the whole day and they wouldn't even ask for us."

You laughed along with him as you both walked down the stairs and walked into the dining area where everyone else was eating.

"There you guys are. Your good is getting cold." Eunwoo said.

You and Rocky smiled at each other before digging in and then it hit you that you never actually confessed your feelings but you were alright with it because if you had learned anything from life it was that one should love themselves before they can love others and Rocky needed to learn to truly see how amazing he was.

Okay so i didn't think it would end like that wow yikes. Maybe there will be a part 2 bc of this open ending but I'm not sure yet.

If You're still awake ayeee so am I. I'm going to brainstorm for some ideas rn for full books so yayayaya. Night night.

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